Advanced Materials Science

The program aims to provide a fundamental knowledge base for talented engineers and scientists who want to continue research in the field of developing innovative materials. Students explore the modern scientific and applied research problems of materials science, learn the principles of materials design for different purposes, observe the theoretical (thermodynamic, kinetic, structural, etc.) and experimental methods and apply it to their on-going research projects.

of study

120 ECTS Full-time mode

Materials Science & Technologies

Major # №22.04.01

Examination content

Tuition fee is 437 000 rubles per year (relevant for 2024/25 academic year).

Minimal entrance exam score — 40 points.

Ask us

Head of the program

Alexey Rodin

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry physical and mathematical

+7 499 638-45-53

International Students Services

Li Elina Valerevna

Chief specialist in professional navigation and work with applicants

+7 499 649-44-09


This program gives a wide range of options to choose the specialization form and, on the other hand, it is based on modern and traditional approaches of materials development: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Phase diagrams.

The key advantages of the program

The focused scientific track
Effective research supervision
Practice-oriented learning
Publications in the first-quartile journals
Job opportunities

courses in the fields of material science: thermodynamics and kinetics, mechanical properties, corrosion, magnetic properties, etc.

Research work can be focused in one of the following topics:

  • Diffusion in multicomponent/multiphase systems
  • Hardening of steels and alloys
  • New magnetic materials
  • Corrosion and corrosion resistant coatings.
  • Thermodynamic modelling for diffusion-controlled processes

Fundamental training via core and required courses:

  • Foreign Language (English / Russian)
  • Management of Quality
  • Project Management
  • Metallic Materials: Structure, Properties and Application
  • Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Materials Science
  • Modelling and Optimization in Physical Metallurgy
  • Development of Metallic Materials
  • Thermal and Thermomechanical Treatment of Special Steels and Alloys


elective disciplines enable students to tailor the program to their needs

Thermodynamic Computation and Analysis of Phase Diagrams of Multicomponent Systems

New Methods for Studying Mechanical Properties and Standards

Modern Equipment and Techniques for Investigation of Structure and Properties of

Metallic Alloys

Magnetic Materials

Biomaterials for Medical Devices

Corrosion and Protection of the Metallic Materials

Advanced Methods of Coatings and Nanofilms Deposition

Material Selection

SHS Process as a Basis of Synthesis of Inorganic Materials

Diffusion in Solids

Amorphous Metallic Alloys

Friction and Wear of Coatings

Modern Methods of Structural Characterisation of Micro- and Nano-Systems

Methods of Surfaces and Interfaces Investigation

Nanofilms: Fundamental Principles, Characterization, Testing, and Application. Methods of Contact and Non-Contact Characterization of Surface Topography

Disperse-Strengthened by Nanoparticles Tribological Coatings. Nanofilms for Mechanical Engineering and Medicine

Advanced Technologies of the Metallic Materials Production

Research supervisors

Alexey Rodin

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry

Diffusion and Diffusion Related Phenomena, Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Material Science.

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 499 638-45-53

Igor Shchetinin

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Materials Science, Head of the Laboratory of Multifunctional Magnetic Nanomaterials

Magnetic materials, Crystal Structure of Multiphase Materials.

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 955-01-29