Quantum Physics for Advanced Materials Engineering

Master’s program “Quantum Physics for Advanced Materials Engineering” addresses the basic physical principles of electronic systems and devices of quantum electronics, as well as some essential manufacturing techniques and measurements of physical and chemical characteristics of quantum-sized structures and materials. The cross-cultural research community allows to exchange knowledge and ideas on the theory and its practical implementations taking a wider perspective. As a result our alumni obtain a high level education, allowing our researchers to progress in the field of quantum materials science, having in-depth knowledge of physics of artificial and natural materials, superconducting electronics, qubits and superconducting sensors, nanophotonics devices, and biological objects.

of study

120 ECTS Full-time mode


Major # №03.04.02

Examination content

Tuition fee is 437 000 rubles per year (relevant for 2024/25 academic year).

Minimal entrance score is 40 points.

Head of the program

Sergey Ivanovich Mukhin

Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, chair of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies physical and mathematical

+7 495 955-00-62

International Students Services

Li Elina Valerevna

Chief specialist in professional navigation and work with applicants


+7 499 649-44-09


Our Program produces highly qualified researchers in the field of quantum materials science, who have deep knowledge of physics of artificial and natural materials, of superconducting electronics, qubits and superconducting sensors, nanophotonics devices, and biological objects.

The key advantages of the program

The focused educational track
The scientific research background
Effective research supervision
Practice-oriented learning
Publications in the first-quartile journals

courses in the field of modern quantum physics of solids, metrology of cryogenic systems with superconducting sensors, superconducting circuits and qubits, mathematics of quantum computing algorithms, etc.

Research projects of the students include the following directions:

Superconducting metamaterials and their applications in the innovate superconducting electronics, quantum computer, theory of quantum information and quantum cryptography, ab-initio calculations for modeling and developing of new materials, machine learning of complex systems and quantum matter and many others.

Fundamental training via core and required courses:

  • Modern Quantum Physics of Solids
  • Mathematics of quantum technologies
  • Technologies and Materials of Quantum Electronics
  • Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of Materials
  • Interdepartmental courses:
  • Foreign Language
  • Project Management
  • Management of Quality


elective disciplines enable students to tailor the program to their needs

Superconducting electronics for the detection of super-weak signals and its metrology

Metrology of cryogenic systems with superconducting sensors

Quantum Electronic Properties of Nanosystems

Physics of Liquid-Crystal Membranes

Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems

Experimental Methods in the Physics of Low-dimensional Systems

Electronic Properties of Quantum Confined Semiconductor Heterostructures

Introduction to Path Integral Methods in Condensed Matter Physics


Laboratories and research supervisors

Alexey Valentinovich Ustinov

Doctor of physics and mathematics, head of the Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory, professor of experimental physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, academic supervisor of the superconducting quantum circuits group (Russian Quantum Center).

+7 495 638-46-46

Research supervisors

Alexey Basharin

PhD, Associate professor

metamaterials, plasmonics, nanophotonics, the Aaronov-Bohm effect, quantum meta-atoms, dielectric nanostructures, toroidal electrodynamics, microwaves and terahertz waves.

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 638-46-46


Pavel Dmitrievich Grigoriev

Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies, senior researcher at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

theoretical methods of condensed matter physics, electronic properties of low-dimensional and highly anisotropic conductors, magnetic quantum oscillations in metals, magnetoresistance

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 955-00-62


Sergey Ivanovich Mukhin

Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, chair of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies

quantum time crystals, quantum phase transitions, thermodynamics of lipid membranes

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 955-00-62


Alexey Valentinovich Ustinov

Doctor of physics and mathematics, head of the Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory, professor of experimental physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, academic supervisor of the superconducting quantum circuits group (Russian Quantum Center).

long Josephson junctions and the physics of magnetic solitons — nonlinear waves in these structures

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 638-46-46


Sergey Shitov

D.Sc., Chief Researcher

superconducting metamaterials for microwave and terahertz devices, development and research of superconducting microwave electronic devices based on them: detectors, amplifiers, generators

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+7 495 638-46-46



Job opportunities

Throughout the program, students participate in research projects for the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, State Atomic Energy Corporation “ROSATOM”. The alumni pursue successful careers in nuclear, aerospace, and automotive industries, new materials research in Russia, Europe, USA, China and other countries.