The Competitiveness Enhancement Program was a project of the Government of the Russian Federation aimed to maximize the competitive position of a group of leading Russian universities in the global research and education market.

The Project was launched in 2012 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 599 (215.3 KB) (215.3 KB) of May 07, 2012 “On Measures for Implementation of the State Policy in the Field of Education and Science”. It assigned the following goal — by 2020 no less than five Russian universities shall enter the Top-100 of the world-leading educational center rankings.

Contest for governmental support pursuant to global rankings criteria was held to attain the assigned goal based on the Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2006-R (337.5 KB) (337.5 KB) of October 29, 2012 “On Approval of the Activity Plan Towards Development of Leading Universities to Increase Their Competitiveness Among World-Leading Research and Educational Centers”, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 211 (474.8 KB) (474.8 KB) of March 16, 2013, “On Measures of Governmental Support to Leading Universities of the Russian Federation to Increase Their Competitiveness Among World-Leading Research and Educational Centers” and the Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 529-р оf April 6, 2013 “On Approval of Members of the Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers”.

Over 50 out of 1100 Russian universities applied for admission to the Competitiveness Enhancement Program. Each provided and defended to the Council members its Roadmap — a document specifying in detail how the university planned to attain results pursuant to the Competitiveness Enhancement Program. The contest resulted in the selection of the 15 best universities, NUST “MISIS” was among this elite.

The International Scientific Advisory Council was established at NUST MISIS to foster its successful participation in the Competitiveness Enhancement Program. Council members are leading International and Russian scientists, and the Council is committed to implementing International best practices in research, innovation and learning at NUST “MISIS”, identifying research priorities, and evaluating project applications in relation to the Competitiveness Enhancement Program implementation.

The NUST MISIS strategic goal is to become world leader in fundamental and applied research in in materials science, metallurgy, mining, nanotechnologies, and significantly improve its current standings in IT and biomedicine.