Technologies in Micro- and Nanoelectronics

An expert in micro- and nanoelectronics needs deep knowledge in materials science and semiconductor physics, shall understand the physical basics of processes for the creation of new materials, and foster such qualities as self-development and fast adaptation. Master’s students participate in R&D works on mathematical simulation of new material technology creation, upgrading of micro- and nanoelectronic item manufacturing process technological regimes, development of ways to modify solid matter electronics and integral micro scheme components, and the methods of technical control and testing. The program trains professionals for branch and academic research establishments and production enterprises in electronic sector including the military industry.

420 000 ₽
Admission for International Students

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Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building).

International Students Service +7 499 230-24-09


Vladimir Grigorievich Kostishin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Technology of Electronics Materials

+7 495 638-46-51

Larisa Panina

DSc, PhD, professor at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials

L.V. Panina graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (including PhD courses) with a diploma in physics and physics of magnetic phenomena. She was previously working in Nagoya University, Japan and Plymouth University, United Kingdom. In 2013 she joined the National University of Science and Technology (MISIS) bringing with her a growing international activity on giant magnetoimpedance, magnetic sensors and tunable magnetic wire media. In 2016, she received DSc degree (Doctor of Science) in physical and mathematical sciences.

Her research interests also include magnetisation dynamics of micro and nano structures, electrodynamics and optics of artificially structured materials. She has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal papers, 6 specialised book chapters and has given 22 invited lectures at international conferences. A number of scientific projects (RFBR, RSF) have been completed and are being implemented under her leadership. She is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and its Magnetic Society (IEEE is a leading international organization), a member of the administrative committee of the IEEE Magnetic Society, editor of the international journal Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, a member of the editorial board of the international journal Biosensors. H-index: WoS — 41, Scopus — 45.

+7 495 638-44-51

Alexander Morchenko

PhD, Prof. (Ass.) at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials

Alexander Morchenko graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a diploma in physics. His research interests are in the field of physics and materials technology of magnetic electronics and microsystem engineering. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles on this and related topics.

Hirsch Indeces are WoS — 10, Scopus — 10

+7 495 638-44-51

Vladimir Kozlov

DSc, PhD, professor at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials

V.V.Kozlov graduated from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technics ) with a diploma in semiconductors and insulators, then finished postgraduate and doctoral studies in the National University of Science and Technology (MISIS) at the department of Technology of Electronic Materials. In 2010 he received DSc degree (Doctor of Science) in technical sciences, since 2017 he is a professor at the department of Technology of Electronic Materials. Fields of research interest are metal-polymer and semiconductor-polymer nanocomposites; carbon nanomaterials; metal-carbon and semiconductor-carbon nanocomposites; heterogeneous-reaction kinetics; nanomaterial synthesis. He has developed scientific directions such as “Synthesis of composites based on polymers and semiconductor, metal nanoparticles under IR heating”, “Synthesis of carbon nanocrystalline materials under polymer heating”, and “Analysis of reaction mechanism and kinetics of synthesizing carbon materials by using UV- and Vis spectrometry, IR spectrometry, electron microscopy, X-ray method, thermogravimetric analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry”.

H-index: WoS — 6, Scopus — 6, RINC — 6.

+7 495 638-45-43

Egor Yakushko

Ph.D., associate professor

+7 985 723-29-88

Sergey Marenkin

DSc, Prof. at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials; Leading scientist at RAS, academic at AES Russia

Sergey Marenkin graduated from Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute named after D. Mendeleev. In 1973 he received PhD and in 1988 DSc. In 1987 he received honor from Cabinet Ministry of USRR for AIIBV materials investigation and devices based on them. He was honorned by Korolev, Zyalkovsky, Grum-Grimaylo medals, MISIS order for scientific work. He is the leader of Physical-chemical bases of material for solid state electronics center. He is the author of more than 460 papers in scientific journals and proceedings.

H-index: WoS — 20, Scopus — 20, RINZ — 19.

+7 495 954-54-72

Oleg Rabinovich

PhD, Assis. Prof. at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials; adviser at RANS

Rabinovich Oleg graduated from NUST MISIS in 2005 with Master degree in “Microelectronics and solid state electronics”. In 2008 he received PhD in “Physics of semiconductors”. Main scientific interests — LEDs, solar cells, photodetectors, nanoheterostructures , simulation. He is a life member of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE society is one of the valuable international organizations), has more than 200 papers in journals and proceedings and 3 textbooks. He was rewarded medal from Ministry of Education of Russian Federation and SPIE.

H-index: WoS — 8, Scopus — 8, RINZ-8.

+7 495 638-46-08

Nikolai A. Yudanov

PhD, Assistant Professor at Institute of Novel Materials and Nanotechnology, Division of Technology for Electronic Materials

He graduated from National University of Science and Technology with a diploma on microelectronics and solid state electronics. The main research interests include high performance micro sensors, technology of magnetic materials in micro dimensions, microelectronics and magnetic and electric measurements.

He published more than 50 research papers.

H-index: WoS — 8, Scopus — 8, RINZ-8.

+7 926 450-60-88

Andrey Yurievich Mironovich

Assistant, postgraduate student of the Department

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