MISIS Social Media Competition for international students


Are you an international student at MISIS University? Do you love creating content and sharing your experiences? We invite you to take part in the MISIS Social Media Competition. This is your chance to showcase life at MISIS University, win exciting prizes, and make an impact globally.

How to participate:

  • create engaging content (videos, photos, reels, or stories) showcasing your experience at MISIS University;
  • post it on your social media (Instagram*, Facebook*, TikTok, YouTube, VK);
  • tag official MISIS University channels (VK or Telegram) or include the official MISIS University website in your post.

Compete for amazing prizes in the following categories:

  • Most Engaging Post — based on number of likes, views, and shares
  • Audience Choice Award — for the most creative content

Competition Timeline: 3rd February — 17th March

Prizes: exciting gift vouchers, university merchandise, and certificates of recognition and a grand prize for the most outstanding content.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be the face of MISIS University and share your incredible journey with the world!

Register now

Check out full competition rules & guidelines here.

* продукт компании Meta (признана экстремистской организацией и запрещена в РФ)