Basic Information about the Laboratory

The laboratory was set up to solving practical problems in the fields of biomedicine. The research group of the laboratory conducts research in the following areas:

unique sensors based on nanoscale transistor technology;

methods for studying the functional properties of the surface of living biological objects with nanoscale resolution;

methods for studying the local activity of ion channels;

unique methods of testing drugs by measuring reactive oxygen species in tumors in animal models.

Activities of the Laboratory

The Research Laboratory of Biophysics was established in 2020 as part of implementing the program of increasing the University’s competitiveness (5-100 Project) and as part of the development of the scientific direction “Biophysics” at NUST MISIS.

Its infrastructure allows conducting comprehensive surveys of functional properties of the surface of living biological objects with nanoscale resolution. More than 50 articles were published as the follow-up on researches done in 2019–2021.

The surveys performed by the laboratory are of a global nature: it extensively collaborates with Imperial College London (UK)

Scientific projects of the laboratory

Project of the Russian Science Foundation No.19-79-30062 “Engineering of bioelectronic interfaces for control and read-out of signal from neuronal cells”, supervisor — P. Novak;

Project of the Russian Science Foundation No.19-19-00626 “Development of a hig speed scanning ion conductance microscope to study the dynamic processes of living cell membranes ”, supervisor — Yu. Korchev;

Project of the Russian Science Foundation No.20-14-00312 “The study of the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease by scanning ion-conducting microscopy ”, supervisor — P.V. Gorelkin.

Address: 119049, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 6, building 7, “Innovation Birth Point” building, 1st floor, rooms T-103 — T-105