The program provides proper training for researchers and inventors of new materials and technologies, who specialize in the field of mechanical engineering, aerospace industry and non-ferrous physical metallurgy. Throughout the courses, students analyse structure and properties formation of the metallic details, use multicomponent phase diagrams for optimization of alloy composition and heat treatment, detect causes of the production defects and breaking of the metallic constructions during operation, use computer programs and CAD/CAM software for the production of the materials. The ultimate goal of the program is to train highly qualified specialists capable of working in both research laboratories and the industrial sector, solving the critical problems in the field of Materials Science.
Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to develop new materials and technologies, build models of structure and properties evolution during treatment of alloys and use the models for prediction and calculation of properties, use multicomponent phase diagrams for optimization of alloy composition and heat treatment, detect causes of the production defects and breaking of the metallic constructions during operation, work with literature and patents for obtaining of the patentability and technical level of the product, perform researches in the field of physical metallurgy, solve the theoretical and applied problems of the physical metallurgy using system approach, choose methods and tests for estimation of alloys physical, mechanical, operational properties and structure, use databases, computer programs, and CAD/CAM software for the materials production problems solving, create technical documentation, scientific reports concluding the results of the investigation.
The key advantages of the program
The focused scientific track
For each student, we form a scientific and educational track based on his research interests, which allows him to concentrate on scientific work and deepen the required knowledge in particular disciplines.
Effective research supervision
Research work under the supervision of senior staff includes theoretical and experimental studies, publications in scientific journals, presentations and conferences for young scientists. Thus, supervisors encourage students to work and plan independently, give support and guidance, providing continuous motivation throughout the program. Students can also choose the supervisor based on their research topic and professional experience.
Metallic materials specialization
Materials science comprises a wide range of different materials, so the defining point of this program is the specialization in metallic materials. Thus, students conduct their research in the field of physical metallurgy: advanced aluminium alloys, super plasticity of metallic materials, modelling and simulation in physical metallurgy, new non-ferrous metal matrix composites, biocompatible materials and shape memory alloys, metallic glasses, additive manufacturing, elastic and anelastic behaviour of metallic materials.
Practice-oriented learning
Students work in teams for industrial projects and collaborate with scientists and students from other universities. In terms of scientific work, students have direct access to the latest advances in the development of alloys and use modern scientific equipment (training simulators, specialized software) during their research.
Publications in the first-quartile journals
Students actively publish their research papers, as well as co-authored articles in scientific journals with a high impact factor. We invite leading scientists as reviewers, and we also help students to increase the Hirsch index.
courses in the fields of physical metallurgy, material science, thermodynamics, materials and technologies development, engineering, project management, etc.
Research work under the supervision of senior staff includes theoretical and experimental studies, publications in scientific journals, presentations at conferences for young scientists, and special seminars.
The main directions of research work are advanced aluminum alloys, superplasticity of metallic materials, modeling and simulation in physical metallurgy, new non-ferrous metal matrix composites, biocompatible materials, and shape memory alloys, metallic glasses, additive manufacturing, elastic and anelastic behavior of metallic materials.
Fundamental training via core and required courses:
Foreign Language (English / Russian)
Management of Quality
Project Management
Metallic Materials: Structure, Properties and Application
Thermodynamic Computation and Analysis of Phase Diagrams of Multicomponent Systems
Modelling and Optimization in Physical Metallurgy
Development of Metallic Materials
Thermal and Thermomechanical Treatment of Special Steels and Alloys
elective disciplines enable students to tailor the program to their needs
Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Materials Science
Modern Methods of Structural Characterization of Micro- and Nano-Systems
Modern Equipment and Techniques for Investigation of Structure and Properties of Metallic Alloys
Mechanical Spectroscopy of Metallic Materials
Amorphous Metallic Alloys
Corrosion and Protection of the Metallic Materials
Advanced Methods of Coatings and Nanofilms Deposition
Material Selection
SHS Process as a Basis of Synthesis of Inorganic Materials
Diffusion in Solids
Metal Matrix Composites
Friction and Wear of Coatings
New Methods for Studying Mechanical Properties and Standards
Methods of Surfaces and Interfaces Investigation
Nanofilms: Fundamental Principles, Characterization, Testing, and Application. Methods of Contact and Non-Contact Characterization of Surface Topography
Disperse-Strengthened by Nanoparticles Tribological Coatings. Nanofilms for Mechanical Engineering and Medicine
Advanced Technologies of the Metallic Materials Production
Throughout the program, students participate in research projects for Russian Aluminum Inc., Ilyushin Aircrafts JSC, Alcoa, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), Audi AG, Volkswagen Group and others. The alumni pursue successful careers in nuclear, aerospace and automotive industries, new materials research in Russia, Europe, USA, China and other countries.
We start considering new applications for the next admission year in October. First interviews initiate in February and are conducted on a weekly basis till the end of July.
You are requested to submit the following admission documents:
A scanned copy of the passport biographical page with the Notarized translation into Russian language;
A scanned copy of the Bachelor diploma and Transcript with the notarized translation into Russian language;
The Statement on standard medical form indicating no contraindications for studying in Russia, with note on results of HIV test with notarized translation into Russian language.
The Medical Certificate is expected to have the statements of the following medical specialists: therapist, surgeon, neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, as well as the results of RW blood test and ECG.
To register for the interview it is enough to submit the originals of your passport bio-page and your Diploma with transcript as well as your motivation letter and CV in English.
The entrance exam is organized online in the form of interview. You will be expected to answer several questions related to the subject area. To get prepared use examination content at the top of the page.
To get enrolled a candidate has to score at list 40 points during the interview.
New applications are accepted till June 20. Keep in mind that this is also the deadline to submit the complete admission documents pack with notarized translations.
You need to fill out the application form via “Apply now” button.
Scholarships are available via Russian Governmental Scholarship program. Visit for more information. You can also take part in the International Competition ‘Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project’ for prospective Master’s students.
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