The Research Laboratory of Ultrahard Materials conducts researches in the area of synthesizing ultrahard materials (UHM) and technologies of manufacturing instruments based thereon, and produces experimental batches of UHM and instruments based on its proprietary solutions. Ultrahard materials include diamonds and dense modifications of boron nitride.

Activities of the Laboratory

The personnel, equipment of the laboratory, as well as the 30-years’ experience in this area allow solving severe academic, technological and production challenges. The laboratory employs 15 scientists and regularly engages 10 highly skilled teachers and employees of the Department of High-Temperature Processes of Materials of Diamonds and other departments of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Postgraduates, diploma students and students in higher training are extensively involved in the activities pursued by the laboratory. Therefore, one may arrive at the conclusion of creating a school of thought based on the laboratory in the sphere of UHM synthesis and application.

The laboratory’s equipment is one of the best in the institute. A unique science and technology complex combining advance research instruments and production equipment is being developed.

R&D works in the laboratory are performed in several fields of study. One of them is the seed-based growing of diamond monocrystals of up to 1.5 carat. As of now, the methods of obtaining monocrystals with a reduced nitrogen concentration and of alloying monocrystals with boron are being elaborated. In this case, crystals obtain a blue color and semi-conductor properties. Significant achievements are in place in the area of obtaining diamond polycrystals. Such efforts are taken for the scientific, technological and equipment-specific preparation for producing high-tenacity and super abrasion diamond polycrystals. Efforts in improving the methods of obtaining polycrystals based on dense modifications of boron nitride are also quite promising.

Nikolay Polushin
Head of laboratory

+7 495 638-46-95