Technological Machines & Equipment

Nobody can imagine the scientific and technological progress without our assistants, the machines. Their improvement provides for upgrading of various technological processes, and their accessibility increases the labor productivity. Students study production processes, methods of implementation and development, standards of technological and ecological safety, absorbing a unique set of competencies sought after on the labor market in the time of production digitalization.

4 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of Technologies

Major # 15.03.02
Technological Machines & Equipment


Technological Equipment Engineering

Development, creation and implementation of high-tech equipment that allows to upgrade the production management to highest modern standards is the main driver of the technological revolution. Students acquire practical knowledge and skills necessary to support an item throughout its life-cycle, from an idea generation to its implementation, including the equipment monitoring and various risk analysis during its operation. Our graduates develop innovation technologies for the most advanced industry branches, aircraft building, power sector, nuclear industry, and know how to implement them in production most efficiently.