Condensed Matter Physics

Modern experts in physics focus both on theoretical and applied research in various areas of science. The program Condensed Matter Physics offers the students the opportunity to conduct physical research in the synthesis of materials with set functional properties, and focus on the analysis and investigation of processes in condensed matters. The curriculum includes modern R&D activities and participation in breakthrough projects: research in new types of non-invasive emission to determine chemical composition of any substance or electrical and chemical power accumulators and quantum well systems; measure solid matter surface energy or analyze solid matter phase transformations.

2 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of New Materials

Major # 03.04.02

380 000 ₽
Admission for International Students

Via e-mail:

Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building).

International Students Service +7 499 230-24-09


Boris Bokstein

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

+7 495 638-44-66

Natalia Kaputkina

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

+7 495 638-46-67

Boris Straumal

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

+7 496 522-38-00

Alexey Rodin

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry

+7 499 638-45-53