Mineral Processing

A classic program to train mining engineers engaged professionally in prospecting and extraction of mineral resources. Students study specific features of development of technologies and mechanisms to extract resources ecologically friendly, and obtain knowledge and skills necessary to manage mining enterprises most efficiently.

5,5 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of Mining

Major # 21.05.04

Приемная комиссия

Мария Александровна Баранова

Руководитель приемной комиссии

+7 495 638-46-78

+7 495 638-30-78

Адрес: г. Москва, Ленинский проспект, д. 4



Vladimir Vasilievich Melnik

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department

+7 499 230-94-66


Other programs

Underground Construction

Students acquire skills for the efficient use of modern information technologies to design underground structures and mining enterprises, and the knowledge necessary to solve scientific and practical tasks in developing urban underground space. Our graduates are employed on engineering and management positions in the construction industry and the mineral resources sector of the economy; they become experts in the construction of urban underground structures, shafts, mines and other mining enterprises.

Mining Surveying

A construction site or a mining enterprise cannot function properly without a highly-qualified mine surveyor responsible for planning and control at every stage of underground construction and mineral extraction. Mine surveyors use modern electronic and laser equipment, digital tools, software and satellite technologies.

Mineral Concentration

This is one of the most comprehensive and science-based inter-disciplinary majors. Its graduates may be called geomaterial scientists as they use the knowledge of physical and chemical natural laws to obtain most valuable components from the extracted mineral resources. In particular, students work on projects on technogenic and solid waste processing and recycling.

Industrial and Environmental Safety

Ecological safety is one of the most cutting-edge areas of mining industry due to intensification of the anthropogenic impact on natural environment. The ability to solve comprehensive tasks towards ecological and industrial safety directly impacts the global success of national companies. Students master the curriculum disciplines, and thoroughly study mining technologies to become effective managers at mining enterprises responsible for their development strategies in the future.

Electrical Systems, Machinery and Equipment for Mining Enterprises

The main professional activities in this area are design and production of mobile and stationary mining machinery as well as its electrification and maintenance. Today, full transformation of any mining process depends on the pace of development of robotic, autonomous and unmanned technologies. Development of energy efficient machines based on modern geotechnologies allows to extract subsoil minerals ecologically friendly, and this is an ambitious challenge mining engineers face nowadays.

Mining and geological information systems

Essential skills for effective use of IT-technologies at the stage of deposit examination, project development and mining equipment management is a serious task for mining engineers. The students acquire skills necessary to simulate and manage processes of mineral extraction and processing, mining works planning and implementation. Our graduates solve inter-disciplinary tasks in mining digitalization.