A degree-seeking student submits the following documents to the NUST MISiS Dissertation Board:
- application (1 counterpart);
- copy of the diploma of higher education (1 counterpart) (specialist’s diploma, master’s diploma, postgraduate diploma with the duly certified insert (for PhD applicants); degree-seeking students who were educated in a foreign state submit a copy of the document confirming recognition of education/qualification on the territory of the Russian Federation, except where higher education acquired abroad is governed by international treaties on mutual recognition or was acquired in foreign educational institutions whose list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- duly certified copy of the candidate of sciences diploma (1 counterpart) (for doctoral research scholars); doctoral research scholars who acquired their academic degree in a foreign state submit a copy of the document confirming recognition of education/qualification on the territory of the Russian Federation, except where foreign academic degrees are governed by international treaties on mutual recognition or were acquired in foreign educational and academic institutions whose list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- document confirming the passing of qualifying PhD examinations (1 counterpart) (for PhD applicants, except for applicants who captured the postgraduate academic staff programs in the field of academic staff postgraduate studies corresponding to the specialty of the dissertation);
- feedback of the academic advisor (1 counterpart) (for PhD applicants) or research advisor (for doctoral research scholars) (if any) certified by the employer or notary;
- positive opinion of the organization where the dissertation was performed (1 counterpart); such opinion is made in the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the organization’s structural unit, approved by the head (deputy head) of the organization and sealed, if applicable;
- list of publications reflecting the key insights of the dissertation for seeking an academic degree (1 counterpart) executed under GOST
7.1-2003, as well as copies of such publications from the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles; - copy of the document (documents) certifying the identity and citizenship (1 counterpart);
- CV of the applicant summarizing his/her biography details (1 counterpart);
- dissertation extract in the electronic format reflecting the topicality of research, goals and objectives of the dissertation, its academic novelty and practical significance, evaluation of results, a brief description of the key chapters of the dissertation and the list of related publications, and
- dissertation in paper form (manuscript copyright) (2 counterparts) and electronically.
The dissertation shall have the following structure:
- title page;
- table of contents, and
- text of the dissertation that necessarily includes the introduction, body, conclusion and references; the text of the dissertation may also contain the list of abbreviations and conventions, terms and appendices.
The introductory section of the dissertation addresses the topicality, level of maturity, goals and objectives, academic novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work, methodology and methods of academic research, provisions to be defended, degree of accuracy and evaluation of results.
In the body of the dissertation, the text is divided into chapters and paragraphs (sections and subsections) in Arabic numerals.
The conclusion contains the findings of research, recommendations and prospects of further research into the topic.
The dissertation shall be printed on standard sheets of single-sorted white paper of А4 format and have a hard cover.
On any issues of the NUST MISiS Dissertation Board and submissions, contact the Division of Academic Degrees.