YouRussia-2024 video contest for young opinion leaders and bloggers


YouRussia is an international competition for young opinion leaders and media-active young people from among international students of universities supported by the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation. YouRussia is aimed at creating a multilingual space for international students and introducing them to the sights, nature, history, traditions and culture of Russia through the video creation. Its purpose is also to popularize knowledge about the nuclear field in social networks. The contest is organized for the second time by National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

To participate in the сontest a student has to make a creative video in one of the proposed nominations: “One day in the life of a nuclear engineering student,” “Discover Russia,” “Best blogger.” Participants can choose the video genre (interview, reportage, music video, etc.) that best expresses the contest’s goals and their creative idea. Contest entries will be accepted from 24 June to 1 November 2024.

The authors of the best videos will be awarded with valuable prizes.

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