NUST MISIS has been included in new international academic ranking Times Higher Education: TOP-100 universities with the best student-staff ratio. The ranking represents the TOP-100 universities worldwide with the lowest number of students for every staff member. NUST MISIS was ranked 43rd overall.
The ranking’s representatives believe that their data provides a sound, albeit straightforward, indication of a university’s capacity to provide a teaching environment with a high level of interaction, engagement, and academic support for students. They hope their results will help future students to make more informed choices when selecting a university to attend. Phil Baty, Editor of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, emphasized that the ranking gives a solid and simple indication of which universities are best equipped to provide small class sizes and offer the kind of close, personal supervision that students typically need to get the most out of their education.
Russia is well represented in the rankings, slotting nine universities in the TOP-100. That total trails only the United States and Japan, and comes in ahead of several notable nations, including France, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom. NUST MISIS was the third highest ranked Russian university.
“In January 2016 NUST MISIS entered the TOP-20 of the Times Higher Education: World’s Best Small Universities Ranking and the T.H.E. representatives noted that our university has demonstrated world-class capabilities, great attention to our students, and a great individual approach to the learning process. The latest ranking has proven the credibility of our university’s method to design a creative environment that allows the potential to be unlocked in each student and to stimulate the maximum involvement of students in scientific, educational, and extracurricular activities”, said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS.
The Times Higher Education: Top 100 universities with the best student-staff ratio is the seventh international academic ranking which NUST MISIS has entered during its participation in the Competitiveness Enhancement Project of the Leading Russian Universities among the Global Research and Education Centers.