ISAC Members Deliver Public Lectures

At NUST MISIS from March 2-6, 2015 leading scientists from world-renowned universities such as Cambridge, Stanford, and Technion will give public lectures on the latest developments in the world of science in the fields of Materials Science, Metallurgy, Mining, and Biomedicine.

The visit will be held within the framework of the Third International Scientific Advisory Council Session of the University, which promotes cooperation between NUST MISIS and the global educational and research centers and the international competitiveness of the university in accordance with the competitiveness russian academic excellence project “5-100”. The upcoming meeting will be attended by all members of the Council. They will listen to the presentation of directors of colleges and heads of departments, as well as take part in meetings with groups of institutions and departments and get familiar with the institutions and university departments, centers, and laboratories.

Schedule of lectures:

March 2, 2015, 12.40, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Dense in-situ Ceramic Matrix Composites by Thermal Explosion of SHS Process: From Basic Research to Production of Structural Parts”

Prof. Elazar Gutmanas (Emeritus Elazar Y. Gutmanas) — Vice-President of the Virtual Institute of Nano-films, professor emeritus of the Israel Institute of Technology “Technion” (Israel), Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Citation Index 818.

Areas of expertise: advanced materials for the manufacture of implants, new approaches to the synthesis and surface modification of biomaterials

March 4, 2015, 10.50, Assembly Hall of the Mining College Building

Lecture: “Mining and Mining Science as Engine of Civilization”

Prof. Leonid Weisberg — Chairman of the Board of Directors and the scientific director of the Scientific and Production Corporation “Mekhanobr appliances”, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice president of the organization “Miners of Russia”, headed by Mountain Council of the North-West Federal District, a member of the Supreme Mining Council of Russia. Doctor of technical sciences, professor, member of the Academy of Mining Sciences.

Fields of interest: Mineral and industrial raw materials, mining and mineral processing engineering, theory, analysis, design, and operation of the practice of using vibration machines and devices used in mining.

March 4, 2015, 10.50, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Creation of Hospital Operations Center” Prof. Louis P Halamek, MD, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the founder and director of the Center for Advanced Learning Technologies in the field of Medicine and Pediatrics at Stanford University (USA). Citation Index in 1319.

Areas of expertise: risk management and extraordinary events in medicine and engineering.

March 5, 2015, 10.50, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Expansion of Range of Vitreous State”

Prof. Lindsay Greer — Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge (UK). Editor of Philosophical Magazine. Citation Index in 1653.

Areas of expertise: production and investigation of materials in a metastable state, in particular, metallic glasses.

March 5, 2015, 10.50, Library Reading Room

Lecture: “Fundamentals of Physics, Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices”

Prof. Joseph Shinar — Professor of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University (Ames), a senior fellow at the Ames Laboratory US Department of Energy. Citation Index 5641.

Areas of expertise: materials science, organic luminescent semiconductors, organic light emitting diodes.

March 5, 2015, 12.40, Library Lobby

Lecture: “New Opportunities in Optoelectronics Using Semiconductor Nanostructures”

Prof. Harry E. Ruda — Director of the Center for Advanced Nanotechnology, University of Toronto. Citation Index 2 291. Field of Interest: Materials

Areas of expertise: Materials

March 5, 2015, 12.40, Library Reading Room

Lecture: “Nanostructured Metals for Biomedical Applications”

Prof. Ruslan Valiev — Director of the Institute of Physics of Advanced Materials, Head of the Department Nanotechnology USATU, a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, laureate of Humboldt, Germany, a member of the Council for Science at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Citation Index more than 26,502.

Areas of expertise: Materials and bulk nanomaterials.

March 5, 2015, 14.30, Library Reading Room

Lecture: “New Means of Developing of New Cold-Formable Steels”

Prof. Wolfgang Black — Head of the Department of ferrous metallurgy RWTH Aachen University (Germany), professor, Doctor of Physical Metallurgy. Citation Index 1175.

Interests: Metallurgy

March 5, 2015, 14:30, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Optimization of Ionic Conductivity in Doped Ceria”

Prof. Börje Johansson — Full Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the Royal Institute of Technology. Citation Index 63673.

Areas of expertise: Physics. One of the greatest scientists in the field of solid state physics and the theory of materials.

March 6, 2015, 10.50, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Complicated Problems in Industry”

Prof. Harry Bhadeshia — Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, director of the Center for steelmaking technologies SKF (SKF Steel Technology Centre), a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences of the United Kingdom. Citation Index 11968.

Areas of expertise: Materials

March 6, 2015, 10.50, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Why, when, and how?”

Prof. Veprek Stan — Professor of Technical University of Munich (Germany). Index Citation Index 9746, about 400 publications in international journals

Areas of expertise: Materials

March 6, 2015, 12.40, Library Lobby

Lecture: “Molecules as Components in Nanoelectronics”

Prof. Jan van Rutenbek — Professor of physics at the University of Leiden, the lab named Kamerlingh Onnes (Netherlands). Citation Index 7348.

Interests: semiconductor materials.