For the first time, NUST MISIS has entered the U.S. News Best Global Universities-2017 Rankings, taking 283rd place for the subject of Materials Science. Among Russian universities, NUST MISIS ranks 2nd, only behind Lomonosov Moscow State University. Only eight Russian universities appeared in the U.S. News Best Global Universities — 2017 Rankings for the subject.

The prestigious annual ranking is composed by the American media corporation U.S. News & World Report, and has strict selection criteria focusing mainly on universities` academic research and global reputation. The U.S. News Best Global Universities — 2017 Ranking features 1.000 universities from 65 countries. The U.S. News Best Global Universities Ranking has been published for American universities for 30 years, and the 2017 international ranking is the third global ranking published.
The U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings’ composition occurs in two steps. The first step in producing the rankings, powered by Clarivate Analytics InCitesTM, is creating a pool of 1,262 universities used to eventually rank the top 1,000 schools. This pool includes all the universities included in the top-200 based on the results of Clarivate Analytics’ global reputation survey. The other universities are selected among the remaining 1,062 that had published the largest number of articles during the most recent five-year period