NUST MISIS has improved its positions in the QS Emerging Europe & Central Asia (EECA) Rankings, rising by 6 spots, from 63rd to 57th. For the fourth year in a row, the University has demonstrated positive growth, improving its position by 14 spots from 2014.

NUST MISIS also improved in the EECA ranking’s main reputational performance indicators, which account for 50% of the metric. The University gained notable ground in the Academic Reputation indicator, rising by 12 spots, from 109th to 97th. The University was also ranked 58th in the Employer Reputation indicator, up from 68th in that indicator last year.
“NUST MISIS implements lots of initiatives designed to improve the competitiveness of the University on the international level. The University management pays attention to the quality of their admission campaigns, their interaction with potential employers, the increase in the number of publications in journals with a high impact factor, and the development of a number of master`s degree programs, some of which are taught in English. All these actions together lead to impressive results”, said Professor Lindsay Greer, member of the NUST MISIS International Scientific Advisory Council (University of Cambridge, UK).
Also, the University has improved its rank in the Ratio of International Students indicator: now it is 11th (13th in 2016) among all universities present in the ranking, and 3rd among Russian universities. In 2015, the University was 19th in this indicator.
According to Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS, “NUST MISIS is becoming more visible in the global academic community. This is a result of the University`s successfully implemented strategy. NUST MISIS participates in several large-scale science projects of the MegaScience level and we’ve established 30 modern research & educational labs and engineering centers where Russian and world leading scientists work. The improvement in the Employer Reputation indicator is provided thanks to our successful cooperation with the business community: today, NUST MISIS cooperates with more than 1500 leading Russian and international companies”.
Also, in 2017, NUST MISIS significantly improved its position in the following indicators: Ratio of International Students (from 92 spots last year to 98.3 this year), Staff with a PhD (increase from 62 to 83.4 spots), and Employer Reputation (from 51.7 to 60.8).
“NUST MISIS constantly opens new labs where scientists conduct unique research, and as for me it is one of the most important achievements of the university. Traditionally, most of the works are in the field of materials science because new materials have a key importance in our lives. But NUST MISIS conducts research in other promising fields too: biomedical application of materials and quantum computers, for instance. The achievements and developments in these fields also can be called advanced”, said Greer.
2,900 universities were evaluated for the EECA, but only 200 of them were included in the ranking.