NUST MISIS and Naumen Open Competency Center in the field of Data Science

NUST MISIS and the Naumen group of companies are announcing the launch of the Big Data Research Center — a department for the creation and development of technologies for big data analysis. The aim of the Center`s creation is to conduct advanced research in the field of Data Science. Experts from one of Russia`s leading technological universities and major IT companies will combine their efforts to develop competitive products focused on the international market.

Naumen, a leading Russian developer of software solutions for both business and government agencies, is the Center’s partner. Naumen has extensive experience in automated natural language processing, data mining and machine learning.

“The science of big data is just being formed, but it is the future. It is possible to analyze [and use this data] in various fields: medicine, mathematics, psychology, journalism, etc. The Cherry supercomputer cluster, led by Professor Igor Abrikosov, has been successfully operating at NUST MISIS for several years. It allows scientists to massively accelerate theoretical calculations when working with new materials. The Big Data Research Center`s creation will allow us to not only conduct research and develop high-tech solutions using Data Science methods, but also to implement educational programs to train future specialists and experts in work with big data”, said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS.

The Center will carry out exploratory and applied research in the field of data analysis and machine learning. The research results will be used in commercial projects, primarily through a text data analysis platform. Both NUST MISIS scientists and students will be able to participate in the development of advanced high-tech solutions in the field of data analysis.

According to Lev Golitsyn, Director of the Big Data Research Center and Head of the Department for Information Management Systems at Naumen, “The Big Data Research Center`s creation is a huge step towards the convergence of business and science, where our team’s knowledge and experience will create opportunities for academic research on new topics”.

Professor Konstantin Vorontsov from the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences and one of Russia`s leading specialists in the field of data analysis will become the Center`s research advisor. The Center`s staff will include international experts in the field of Data Science, machine learning and automated natural language processing. The Center’s research projects will involve NUST MISIS graduate and PhD students who have successfully completed special courses in Data Science taught by the department`s experts and visiting specialists.