PhD in engineering, associate professor at the Department of Physical Metallurgy and Physics of Strength, junior researcher at the Hybrid Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory
Research interests
Materials for nuclear energy; fracture toughness; destruction; mechanical tests.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
2.05 PM, QF, PZ.
2016 — present: associate professor, Department of Metals Science and Physics of Strength, NUST MISIS.
2013 — present: junior researcher, Hybrid Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory, NUST MISIS.
2014: PhD in engineering.
2009: graduation from the State Technical University MISIS. Engineer majoring in metals science and heat treatment of metals.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 3.
Number of articles on Scopus — 10.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0260- 5583.
ResearcherID: A-4249-2014.
Scopus AuthorID: 54412578700.
- Agreement with JSC Tyazhmash for the implementation of research work No. 039 /
19-503 dated April 9, 2019 on the topic “Experimental assessment of the degree of degradation of mechanical properties of the base metal and welded joints of the material carcass of melt containment device and the guide plate after various modes of heat treatment”(2019-2020). - Russian Science Foundation
“Materials based on magnesium alloys for bioresordable implants with antitumor activity” (October 23, 2017—December 31, 2020). - Russian Science Foundation
“Bioresordable ultra-finely grained magnesium-based alloys intended for reconstruction surgery” (May 10, 2017 — December 31, 2019). - Subsidy Provision Agreement No. 14.575.21.0124 “Development and creation of a new class of highly endurable and highly modular construction composites with high resistance against static, repeatedly static, dynamics and radiations loads” (Applied and scientific research for the development of economic sectors as part of the Federal Target Program “Research and development in top-priority growth areas of Russia’s science and technology complex for
2014-2020”) (September 26, 2017 — December 31, 2018). - Agreement with JSC Kompozit No. 47702388027160002070/2348/0110-17 dated August 24, 2017 “Studying the regularities of the formation of diffusion joints of composite billets of aluminum alloy-steel, molybdenum alloy-steel in the conditions of superhigh pressures of uniform compression”
(2017-2018). - Grant No. К2-2016-062 “Hybrid nanostructured materials”. As part of implementing the program of NUST MISIS competitiveness enhancement among the leading global academic and educational centers and the action plan of implementing the competitiveness enhancement program (the “roadmap”) of NUST MISIS for
2013-2020 (project No. V100-N2-P21, agreement V100-I62-2016/0031 dated December 1, 2016) (2017). - Subsidy Provision Agreement No. 14.578.21.0139 “Development of the intellectual system for the monitoring of the state of critical cast components of the railway rolling stock based on acoustico-emissive measurements during operation” (Applied scientific researches and experimental developments in top-priority growth areas of science, technology and equipment in the Russian Federation as part of the Target Federal Program “Research and development in top-priority growth areas of Russia’s science and technology complex for
2014-2020”) (2015-2017). - Subsidy Provision Agreement No. 14.578.21.0020 “Development and integration of mobile means of non-destructive tests of residual tensions in critical railway items based on the creation of a new methodological approach and academic and methodological developments of the direct non-destructive
X-ray method for determining mechanical tensions in elements of the upper track structure and rolling stock” (Competitive selection of projects for applied scientific research in the context of the activities of technology platforms in the top-priority area “Transport and space systems” as part of activity 1.3 of the Federal Target Program “Researches and developments in top-priority areas of Russia’s science and technology complex for2014-2020”) (2014-2016). - Subsidy Provision Agreement No. 14.581.21.0009 “Development of scientific and technological foundations for strengthening and extending the service life of critical rolling stock elements to ensure the safety of Russian railways” (Competitive selection of projects for applied scientific research aimed at complying with municipal needs for the creation of products and technologies as part of activity 1.4 of the Federal Target Program “Researches and developments in top-priority areas of Russia’s science and technology complex for
2014-2020”) (2014-2016). - Agreement No. 14.A12.31.0001 dated June 24, 2013 by and between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian educational institution for higher professional education and the leading scientist supervising the scientific research, on providing the grant of the Russian Government for national support of scientific studies led by major Russian educational institution for higher professional education
- Andrey B. Rozhnov, Hannanh Alsheikh, Sergey A. Nikulin, Vladislav A. Belov, Elina V. Li, Maria V. Koteneva. Towards a better understanding of the oxide film growth mechanism in E110 zirconium alloy under high-temperature oxidation in steam // Corrosion Review.—2020.
- Lukyanova E.A., Martynenko N.S., Li E.V., Serebryany V.N., Belyakov A.N., Rokhlin L.L., Dobatkin S.V., Estrin Yu.Z. Effect of high pressure torsion on the structure, microhardness and heating behaviour of the magnesium alloy WE43 // International scientific journal Materials science. Non-equilibrium phase transformations.—2017.—N. 4.—P.
161-164. - S. A. Nikulin, S. O. Rogachev, A. B. Rozhnov, A. Yu. Gusev, A. G. Mal’gin, N. N. Abramov, V. M. Khatkevich, K. S. Zharovtseva, M. V. Koteneva, É. V. Li. A Study of the Mechanisms of Fracture of Oxidized Fuel Element Claddings from Alloy É110 Under Compression by Measuring Acoustic Emission // Metal Science and Heat Treatment.—2015.—V. 56.—N 11-12.—P.
670-675). - S.A. Nikulin, S.O. Rogachev, A.B. Rozhnov, A.Yu. Gusev, A.G. Malgin, N.N. Abramov, K.S. Zharovtseva, V.M. Khatkevich, M.V. Koteneva, E.V. Li. The mechanism and kinetics of the fuel cladding failure during loading after high-temperature oxidation // Journal of Nuclear Materials.—2014.—V. 452.—P.
102-109. - Nikulin S.A., Khanzhin V.G., Rozhnov A.B., Belov V.A., Li E.V. Crack resistance of zirconium cladding pipes after high-temperature oxidation // Metal Science and Heat Treatment.—2013.—V. 55.—N 1-2.—P.
109-114. - S.A. Nikulin, A.B. Rozhnov, V.A. Belov, E.V. Li, M.V. Koteneva. Kinetics of High-Temperature Oxidation and Embrittlement Factors of Zirconium Alloys in Tests Simulating LOCA-Type Failures in Atomic Power Plants // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2012, V. 48, N 1, P.
97-105). - S.A. Nikulin, A.B. Rozhnov, V.A. Belov, E.V. Li, V.S. Glazkina. Influence of chemical composition of zirconium alloy E110 on embrittlement under LOCA conditions — Part 1: Oxidation kinetics and macrocharacteristics of structure and fracture // Journal of Nuclear Materials.—2011.—V. 418.—N 1-3.—P.
2016 — present: NUST MISIS, course “Materials science” (lectures, practical studies and laboratory works), 180 hours, major 27.03.01.
2017 — present: NUST MISIS, course “Metals science of reactor materials” (lectures and practical studies), 171 hours, major 22.04.01.
2018: NUST MISIS, course “Professional foreign language” (practical studies), major 22.04.01.
2012 — present: NUST MISIS, course “Heat treatment” (laboratory works), major 22.03.01.
2017 — present: NUST MISIS, course “Quality management” (lectures and practical studies), 108 hours, major 22.04.01.