Doctor of physics and mathematics, chief researcher at the Scientific-Educational Center of SHS “MISIS-ISMAN”, head of the Inorganic Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, professor at the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings
- shtansky@shs.misis.ru
+7 499 236-66-29 - Крымский вал, д. 3, ауд. К-109
- Персональный сайт
Research Interests
Thin films and coatings, surface engineering, nanostructured and nanocomposite materials, PVD and CVD technologies, nanomaterials, biomaterials, nanostructures, heterostructures, composite materials, catalysts.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
Materials science — ceramics; materials science — composites; materials science — multidisciplinary; materials science — films and coatings; metallurgy and metals science; materials science — biomaterials, nanomaterials and nanotechnology.
2002: doctor of physics and mathematics, NUST MISIS.
2000 — present: NUST MISIS. Head of the Inorganic Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, chief researcher at the Scientific-Educational Center of SHS “MISIS-ISMAN”, professor at the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings.
2006: Erasmus Mundus Fellowship, National Polytechnic Institute of Loraine, France.
1992: PhD in physics and mathematics, I.P. Bardin Iron & Steel Industry Institute.
The fundamental and technological principles for the fabrication of hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures of various morphologies (nanotubes, nanoparticles, nanosheets with a high specific surface) using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [CrystEngComm. 18 (2016)
The “know-how” on the “Method for the preparation of heterogeneous BN/Cu nanoparticles in a microwave plasma installation and device for its implementation” (No. 40
Under the leadership of the project supervisor, various methods for the synthesis of nanohybrid materials based on h-BN for catalytic processes were developed. Efficient hybrid nanocatalysts were developed in the Ag/BN and CuNi/BN systems, and the work is underway with nanohybrids in the Pt/BN and Au/BN systems. A higher catalytic activity of nanomaterials obtained by the decomposition of metal salts was established compared with the CVD synthesis, in which cladding of metal nanoparticles on the surface of h-BN occurs [Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9 (2018)
Resulting from the comprehensive study of the evolution of the structure of heterogeneous Ag/BN structures, it was found that the formation of silver nanoparticles over h-BN surfaces is accompanied by intermediate stages of the formation of nanocomposite polymer structures with Ag particles, as well as silver acetate. It was shown that these structures may be effectively used to control the content and size distribution of silver nanoparticles on the h-BN surface during low-temperature (up to 150°C) annealing. Varying the duration and temperature of annealing may also be used to control their morphology. It was also shown that the intermediate layer between the metal particle and the substrate plays an important role in increasing the catalytic properties of the Ag / BN system in the CO oxidation reaction. So, with the same content and size distribution of silver nanoparticles, enhanced properties are demonstrated by heterogeneous Ag / BN nanostructures containing a thin Ag-O-B transition layer [Catal. Sci. Technol. 9 (2019)
Nanohybrid materials (Cu0.8Ni0.2)/BN were obtained, and their high catalytic activity in the reaction of methanol reforming and oxidation of carbon monoxide was demonstrated. It was shown that the methanol conversion starts at ~20 °C and is nearly completed at 320 °C.It was demonstrated that the (Ni0.2Cu0.8)/BN nanohybrids exhibit high catalytic stability and high selectivity for CO2 over the entire temperature range. No carbon monoxide was detected during the full methanol conversion. The possible mechanism of CO utilization during methanol reforming was proposed using ab initio calculations. It was also established that the onset temperature of catalytic CO oxidation is 100 °C and full conversion is completed at 200 °C [Chem. Eng. J. 395 (2020) 125109].
It was established that an increase in the content of silver nanoparticles on the surface of h-BN by their formation by the polyol method is nonlinear. For the first time, the catalytic stability of the Ag/BN nanohybrid catalysts in the CO oxidation reaction was studied. Thus, correlations between Ag content, particle size distribution and temperature of complete CO conversion allow us to conclude that AgNPs, which size is below the critical value (3 nm), have a decisive role in Ag/BN nanohybrid catalytic performance. Exceeding this time leads to an increase in the concentration of silver on the h-BN surface due to the growth of particles and does not contribute to an increase in the catalytic activity of the material. It was found that the high catalytic activity of the Ag/BN nanohybrids in the CO oxidation reaction persists for a long time, and its decline is associated with the partial sintering of the smallest silver nanoparticles [ChemCatChem 12(6) (2020)
A cross-bar structure is employed to design a transparent p-n junction-based photodetector. The device consisting of aligned n-SnO2 and p-NiO nanofibers exhibits a high detectivity of 2.33×1013 Jones under the 250 nm illumination at −5 V, outperforming most state-of-art SnO2-based UV photodetectors. The device is also equipped with the self-powered functions due to a photovoltaic effect from the pn junction, resulting in a photocurrent of 10−10 A, responsivity of 30.29 mA W−1 at 0 V bias, and detectivity of 2.24×1011 Jones at 0.05 V bias.Moreover, the device is highly transparent (over 90% toward visible light) due to the wide band gap of photoactive materials and a well-designed cross-bar fiber structure [Advanced Electronic Materials 6 (2020) 1901048].
The developed BN nanostructureswere successfully utilized to fabricate lightweight yet high strength aluminum-based composite materials [Mater. Sci, Eng. A 642 (2015)
Obtaining antibacterial yet biocompatible and bioactive surfaces is an important task that the biological and biomedical community has been facing for many years already, but the problem has not yet been completely handled. Under the guidance of the project supervisor, new types of coatings with an antibacterial effect were developed [Applied Surface Science 330 (2015) 339; Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 135 (2015) 158; Advanced Biomaterials and Devices in Medicine 1 (2015) 37; Journal of Biomedical Materials Research — Part B Applied Biomaterials, 105B (2017)
For the first time, boron-doped TiCaPCON coatings were obtained, and their antibacterial activity was studied (Applied Surface Science 465 (2019)
It was shown for the first time that the concentration of ions released in a biological medium depends not only on the content of the bactericidal element in the coating, but also on the topography and surface roughness (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017)
New type of coatings decorated with metal nanoparticles were developed. It was shown that new materials effectively inhibit the growth of eight types of bacteria: Escherichia coli K261 and U20, Klebsiella pneumoniae B1079k/17-3, Acinetobacter baumannii B1280A/17, Staphylococcus aureus no. 839, Staphylococcus epidermidis i5189-1, Enterococcus faecium Ya-235: VanA and I-237: VanA, including antibiotic resistant ones. The bactericidal effect is achieved due to the intensive release of bactericidal ions, the generation of reactive oxygen species, and microgalvanic interaction. The results wee published in the high-ranking journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019)
For the first time, the pulsed electrospark deposition technology was used to produce biocompatible and bioactive films with an antibacterial effect. The results were published in a number of Q1 journals: Surface and Coatings Technology, 302 (2016)
The method of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in electrolytes with particle additives was used to obtain hydroxyapatite-titanium dioxide coatings onto a Ti surface. Their microstructure and biological properties were studied in vitro (RSC Advances 6 (2016)
Another promising research area, actively developing under the guidance of the project supervisor, is plasma polymerization [Appl. Surf Sci. 435 (2018)
For the first time, BN nanoparticles with a petal-like surface were obtained by chemical vapor deposition and characterized as a promising anticancer drug-delivery system. The efficiency of nanocarriers against tumor cells with multidrug resistance was demonstrated [Applied Materials & Interface 7 (2015) 17217; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017)
TiAlSiCN coatings with extremely high thermal stability were obtained. The nanocomposite columnar coating structure does not undergo any structural changes upon annealing in vacuum up to 1,300 °C [Acta Mater. 83 (2015)
Studies aimed at obtaining nanocomposite self-lubricating coatings were delivered. MoSeC/TiAlSiCN nanocomposite coatings with a low coefficient of friction (< 0.1) and high wear resistance in the temperature range of
For the first time, the new technology combining pulsed-arc evaporation (PAE) and electrospark deposition (ESD) in vacuum in a single technological cycle was developed. The excellent tribological properties of WC/a-C two-layer coatings are explained by the formation of a functional gradient structure with a smooth change in grain size and hardness from 3.6 GPa (Ti substrate) to 20 GPa (upper coating layer), increased strength and thickness of the electrospark deposited sublayer, which protects the substrate from plastic deformation, and a low coefficient of friction of the upper layer due to the formation of an amorphous structure with a high volume fraction of a-C phase providing good solid lubrication [Materials & Design 167 (2019) 107645]. In situ mechanical tests in an electron microscope column showed a high adhesive strength between the layers (the interface can withstand a load of 560 MPa). It was shown that in two-layer TiNbC coatings obtained by a combination of the ESD and PAE methods, the upper PAE layer provides wear protection for the less wear-resistant ESD sublayer. At the same time, a thick ESD underlayer with improved toughness prevents plastic deformation of the substrate under high loads [Surf. Coat. Technol. 385 (2020) 125422].
- Scopus Hirsch Index — 33.
- Number of articles on Scopus — 235.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7304- 2461.
ResearcherID: N-9660-2013.
- Scopus AuthorID: 7003720661.
- Project of the Russian Science Foundation
15-19 −00203 on the topic “Development and production of nanostructured, nanocomposite, multilayer and functional-gradient coatings with increased erosion, corrosion and abrasion resistance and fatigue strength”,2015-2017, 2018-2019, supervisor. - Project of the Russian Science Foundation No.
20-19 −00120 on the topic “Development of new bactericidal surfaces based on the study of the main mechanisms for suppressing pathogens of bacterial and fungal infections”,2020-2022, supervisor. - Project of the Russian Science Foundation No.
21-49-00039 on
the topic “RSF-NSFC: BN-based composites and heterostructures for high-performance photocatalysts and photodetectors”,2021-2023, supervisor. - State assignment No. 11.937.2017/P on the topic “Development of technological foundations for the scalable production of light and durable composite materials based on aluminum, reinforced with nanoparticles of hexagonal boron nitride”,
2017-2019, supervisor. - Competitiveness enhancement program of NUST MISIS, project No. К2-2016-11 on the topic “Center of Excellence in Nano-, Biomaterials and Surface Engineering to Improve Life Expectancy and Quality”
(2016-2018), supervisor. - Competitiveness enhancement program of NUST MISIS, project No. К2-2018-012 on the topic “New types of alloys, nanomaterials and coatings to improve the quality of life” (2018 — 2020), supervisor.
- Competitiveness enhancement program of NUST MISIS, project K2-220-023 on the topic “Design of new heterogeneous materials to improve the quality of life”,
2020-2021, supervisor. - RFBR Russia-China international project
18-58 −53034 on the topic “Photodetectors of far UV radiation based on BN nanoheterostructures of the core-shell type and quantum dots”,2018-2019, supervisor. - RFBR Russia-Belarus international project
18-58 −00019 on the topic “Development of scientific foundations and technological approaches for the formation of nanostructured boron nitride coatings during the interaction of alkali metal borates with a remote nitrogen-hydrogen plasma of atmospheric pressure”, 2018 — 2019, supervisor. - RFBR Russia-India international project 19-58-45016\19 on the topic “Development of bioactive and bactericidal coatings with improved osseointegration and the ability to suppress infection”,
2019-2021, supervisor.
- X. Liu, S. Li, Z. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Yang, Z. Li, H. Liu, D.V. Shtansky, X. Fang, Boosted Responsivity and Tunable Spectral Response in B-site Substituted 2D Ca-2Nb3-xTaxO10 Perovskite Photodetectors, Advanced Functional Materials 2021 2101480 (IF=16.836) Q1
- E.A. Levashov, A.S. Mukasyan, A.S. Rogachev, D.V. Shtansky, Review. Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Advanced Materials and Coatings, International Materials Review, 62(4) (2017)
203-239 (IF=14.429) Q1 - A.T. Matveev, K.L. Firestein, A.E. Steinman, A.M. Kovalskii, I.V. Sukhorukova, O.I. Lebedev, D.V. Shtansky, D. Golberg, Synthesis of BN-nanostructures from borates of alkali and alkaline earth metals, J. Mater. Chem. A 3 (2015)
20749-20757 (IF=11.301) Q1 - A.M. Kovalskii, I.N. Volkov, Z.I. Popov, E.V. Sukhanova, A.A. Lytkina, A.B. Yaroslavtsev, A.T. Matveev, A.S. Konopatsky, D.V. Leybo, A.V. Bondarev, I.V. Shchetinin, K.L. Firestein, D.V. Shtansky, D.V. Golberg, (Cu,Ni)/hexagonal BN nanohybrids — new efficient catalysts for methanol steam reforming and carbon monoxide oxidation, Journal Chem. Eng. 395 (2020) 125109 (IF=10.652) Q1
- K.Y. Gudz, E.S. Permyakova, A.T. Matveev, A.V. Bondarev, A.M. Manakhov, D.A. Sidorenko, S.Y. Filippovich, A.V. Brouchkov, D.V. Golberg, S.G. Ignatov, D.V. Shtansky, Pristine and antibiotic-loaded nanosheet/nanoneedls-based BN films as a promising platform to suppress bacterial and fungal infections, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020)
42485-42498 (IF=8.758) Q1 - V.A. Ponomarev, A.N. Sheveyko, E.S. Permyakova, J. Lee, A.A. Voevodin, D. Berman, A.M. Manakhov, M. Michlíček, P.V. Slukin, V.V. Firstova, S.G. Ignatov, I.V. Chepkasov, Z.I. Popov, D.V. Shtansky, TiCaPCON-supported Pt- and Fe-based nanoparticles and related antibacterial activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019)
28699-28719 (IF=8.758) Q1 - V.A. Ponomarev, I.V. Sukhorukova, A.N. Sheveyko, E.S. Permyakova, A.M. Manakhov, S.G. Ignatov, N.A. Gloushankova, I.Y. Zhitnyak, O.I. Lebedev, J. Polčak, A.M. Kozmin, D.V. Shtansky, Antibacterial performance of TiCaPCON films incorporated with Ag, Pt and Zn: bactericidal ions versus surface micro-galvanic interactions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (2018)
24406-24420 (IF=8.758) Q1 - A.S. Konopatsky, D.V. Leybo, K.L. Firestein, Z.I. Popov, A.V. Bondarev, A.M. Manakhov, E.S. Permyakova, D. Golberg, D.V. Shtansky, Synthetic routes, structure and catalytic activity of Ag/BN nanoparticle hybrids toward CO oxidation reaction, Journal of Catalysis, 368 (2018)
217-227 (IF=7.888) Q1 - A.V. Bondarev, D.G. Kvashnin, I.V. Shchetinin, D.V. Shtansky, Temperature-dependent friction behavior and structural transformation of VCN-(Ag) coatings, Materials and Design, 160 (2018)
964-973 (IF= 6.289) Q1 - D.V. Shtansky, K.L. Firestein, and D. Golberg, (Review) Fabrication and application of BN nanoparticles, nanosheets, and their nanohybrids, Nanoscale 10 (2018)
17477-17493 (IF=6.895) Q1
- E.A. Levashov, A.E. Kudryashov, E.I. Zamulaeva, D.V. Shtansky, Yu.S. Pogozhev, A. Yu. Potanin, N.V. Shvyndina, Method for producing a bioactive coating with an antibacterial effect, Eurasian patent No. 033318 dated 09/30/2019.
- D.V. Shtansky, E.A. Levashov, A.N. Sheveyko, K.A. Kuptsov, F.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.E. Kudryashov, Method of vacuum carbidization of metal surfaces, RF Patent No. 2725941, priority 12/18/2019, registration date 07/07/2020.
- D.V. Shtansky, E.A. Levashov, A.N. Sheveyko, K.A. Kuptsov, F.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, M. Ya. Bychkova, Yu. Yu. Kaplansky, Method of electrospark alloying in vacuum, combined with cathode-arc deposition, RF Patent No. 2729278, priority 12/18/2019, registration date 08/05/2020.
- D.V. Shtansky, A.T. Matveev, A.M. Kovalsky, K.L. Firestein, A.E. Steinman, I.V. Sukhorukova, Method for producing nanoporous boron nitride, RF Patent, No. 2614007, priority 03/03/2016, registration date 03/22/2017.
- D.V. Shtansky, A.T. Matveev, A.M. Kovalsky, K.L. Firestein, A.E. Steinman, I.V. Sukhorukova, Method for producing coatings from boron nitride nanosheets, RF Patent No. 2613996, priority date 03/03/2016, registration date 03/22/2017.
- D.V. Shtansky, A.T. Matveev, A.M. Kovalsky, K.L. Firestein, A.E. Steinman, I.V. Sukhorukova, Method of obtaining boron nitride nanotubes, RF Patent No. 2614012, priority date 03/03/2016, registration date 03/22/2017.
- D.V. Shtansky, A.M. Kovalsky, A.T. Matveev, I. V. Sukhorukova, N.A. Glushankova, I. Yu. Zhitnyak, Method for producing boron nitride nanoparticles for delivery of anticancer drugs, RF Patent No. 2565432 dated 09/11/2015.
- Scientific supervision and teaching
- F.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev “Development of hard wear-resistant nanostructured coatings in the Ti-Si-N, Ti-B-N, Cr-B-N, Ti-Cr-B-N systems”, PhD in engineering, 2004.
- I.A. Bashkova “Development of multicomponent bioactive nanostructured coatings based on titanium carbide for implants”, PhD in engineering, 2008.
- A.V. Bondarev “Development of nanocomposite wear-resistant coatings based on titanium and molybdenum carbonitrides for operation in the temperature range of
25-700 ° C”, PhD in engineering, 2014. - K.A. Kuptsov “Development of hard wear-resistant nanostructured Ti-Cr-Si-C-N and Ti-Al-Si-C-N coatings with a high thermal stability and heat resistance”, PhD in engineering, 2015.
- I.V. Sukhorukova “Creation of bioactive TaCaPCON (Ag, Augmentin) coatings with an antibacterial effect”, PhD in engineering, 2015.
- K.L. Firestein “Synthesis of BN nanostructures and their application for hardening light metal matrices based on Al”, PhD in engineering, 2016.
Supervisor of six successfully defended PhD theses. Supervisor of postgraduate students.
- Supervisor of the international English master’s program: “Multicomponent nanostructured coatings. Nanofilms ”. The program has received the ASIIN accreditation and EUR-ACE certification.
- Teaching the module “Biosurface Engineering” as part of the iPhD program, training profile “Biomaterials science”.
Expert of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation, Russian Ministry of Education and Science and European Commission.
Member of the expert council of the Russian Science Foundation on the Presidential Program. Coordinator of the engineering section of the Russian Science Foundation on the Presidential Program.
Member of the organizing committees of international conferences (E-MRS, CIMTEC, ECNF, SHS, FGM).
Member of journal editorial boards: “Izvestia vuzov. Nonferrous metallurgy”, “Izvestia vuzov. Powder metallurgy and functional coatings”, “Metals science and heat treatment of metals”, “Advanced biomaterials and devices in medicine”.
Member of the NUST MISIS scientific and technical council. Expert of the joint NUST MISIS dissertation council.