Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, chair of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies
- si.muhin@misis.ru
+7 495 955-00-62 - Персональный сайт
Research interests
Condensed matter physics: strongly correlated electron systems; nonlinear dynamics of photon condensates. Quantum computing and design of quantum computers: applying the Dicke model to describe the collective properties of a system of quantum bits. Biophysics: thermodynamics of lipid membranes.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
1.03 Condensed matter physics; 1.06 Biophysics.
2009 — present: chair of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies at NUST MISIS.
2003: visiting professor at the V.I. Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands.
2002: professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics, MISIS.
1999: doctor of physics and mathematics, MISIS.
1993, 2003, 2007: consultant at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA).
1982: PhD in physics and mathematics, MISIS.
Theory of oscillations of kinks on dislocation lines in crystals and low-temperature transport anomalies as a “passport” of freshly introduced defects.
- S.I. Mukhin, JETP 91, 140 (1986);
- L.P. Mezhov-Deglin, S.I. Mukhin, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 37, No. 9/10, p.
1011-1018 (2011); - J.A.M. Van Ostaay, S.I. Mukhin, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 44, 747 (2018).
Instantonic mechanism of high temperature superconductivity in cuprates.
- S.I. Mukhin, Condens. Matter vol. 3, No.4, 39 (2018).
Flexible strings model for description of thermodynamics (entropic repulsion) of lipid chains in biomembranes of living cells
- S. I. Mukhin and S.V. Baoukina, Phys. Rev. E, v. 71, No.6, 061918, (2005); S. I. Mukhin and B.B. Kheyfets, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 82,
051901-9 (2010).
Theory of the mechanism of the “stripe phase” formation in HTSC cuprates
- S.I. Mukhin, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 62, pp.
4332-4335 (2000); - S.I. Matveenko, and S.I. Mukhin, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 84, pp.
6066-6069 (2000).
Method of Rotating Holstein-Primakoff transformation for description of superradiant phase transitions in the Dicke model
- S. I. Mukhin and N. V. Gnezdilov, Physical Review A, 97, 053809 (2018);
- S.S. Seidov and S.I. Mukhin, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 505301 (2020).
1. “Physics in Microgravity”, NASA Projects in Basic Research (NASA, USA), NAG3-1395, NAG3-1867,
- A theory of competition between electron-phonon and spin-fermion interactions in the formation of the spectral density of states of the Fermionic quasiparticles in a quasi-two-dimensional doped Heisenberg magnet is developed. It is shown that as the electron-phonon coupling constant increases, the electron-magnon “string” resonances are suppressed in the incoherent part of the fermion density of states.
- B. Kyung, S.I. Mukhin, V.N. Kostur, R.A. Ferrell “Spectral properties of the t-J model in the presence of hole-phonon interaction”, Physical Review B 54 (18), 13167 (1996).
- B. Kyung, S.I. Mukhin “Dynamics of a small density of holes in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet”, Physical Review B 55 (6), 3886 (1997).
2. “Metamaterials with controllable electronic and molecular collective properties: new physical principles”, State task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation project 2.1510.2011 No. 3400022,
- The thermodynamic characteristics were derived of the superconducting state of a strongly correlated electronic system in the state of a quantum time Matsubara crystal, first proposed earlier by
- S. I. Mukhin, “Spontaneously broken Matsubara’s time invariance in fermionic system: macroscopic quantum ordered state of matter,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., Vol. 24,
1165-1171 (2011).
- S. I. Mukhin, “Spontaneously broken Matsubara’s time invariance in fermionic system: macroscopic quantum ordered state of matter,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., Vol. 24,
3. “Quantum synchronization in strongly coupled Josephson systems”, grant 14A18.21.1936 Federal Target Program of the Ministry of Education and Science “Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of Russia”
- The theory of nonclassical photonic states in superconducting quantum metamaterials is developed, using as an example an array of SQUID’s included in a transmission line with low dissipation (resonator).
- S.I. Mukhin and M.V. Fistul, “Generation of non-classical photon states in superconducting quantum metamaterials”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. vol. 26, 084003 (2013).
4. “Collective properties of quantum matter: superconductivity and related phenomena”, grant K2
- A first-order phase transition is predicted between a spatially homogeneous superconducting state and a state with a space-modulated composite spin-charge-superconducting order parameter in an applied external magnetic field. In this state the superconducting order changes sign when entering the “stripe-phase” ordered domain. S.I. Matveenko and S.I. Mukhin “Spin-charge ordering induced by magnetic field in superconducting state: Analytical self-consistent solution in the twodimensional model”, Europian Physics Letters, vol. 109, 57007 (2015).
- A theory of the instantonic mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity in new superconductors is proposed. It is shown that thermodynamic quantum time-crystals in Fermi systems, defined as quantum orders periodically oscillating in Matsubara time and possessing zero mean, are metastable for two general classes of solutions. The “no-go” theorem is analytically proven for the case of long-range interactions between fermions in momentum space in the electron-hole and Cooper channels.
- S.I. Mukhin “Pairing ’Glue’ and ‘Hidden Order’ in High-Tc Cuprates”, Condens. Matter 3(4), 39 (2018).
- S.I. Mukhin and T.R. Galimzyanov “Classes of metastable thermodynamic quantum time crystals”, Phys. Rev. B. — 2019. — Т.100 — С. 081103®.
Most important publications in quantum physics
- S. I. Mukhin, A. Mukherjee, and S. S. Seidov “Dicke Model Semiclassical Dynamics in Superradiant Dipolar Phase in the ‘Bound Luminosity’ State”, JETP, Vol. 132, No. 4, pp.
658–662 (2021). - S.S. Seidov and S.I. Mukhin “Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Husimi Q-functions in extended Dicke model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 505301 (2020).
- S.I. Mukhin, T.R. Galimzyanov “Classes of metastable thermodynamic quantum time crystals”, Physical Review B 100, 081103 (2019).
- S.I. Mukhin “Negative Energy Antiferromagnetic Instantons Forming Cooper-Pairing ‘Glue’ and ‘Hidden Order’ in High-Tc Cuprates”, Condens. Matter 3(4), 39 (2018).
- S. I. Mukhin and N. V. Gnezdilov “First-order dipolar phase transition in the Dicke model with infinitely coordinated frustrating interaction”, Physical Review A, 97, 053809 (2018).
- Van Ostaay, J.A.M., Mukhin, S.I. Phonon-kink scattering effect on the low-temperature thermal transport in solids. Low Temperature Physics, vol. 44, 747 (2018).
- Karpov, P.I., Mukhin, S.I. Polarizability of electrically induced magnetic vortex “atoms”, Physical Review B, 95, 195136 (2017).
- S. Mukhin, A. Varlamov, A. Buzdin, “Alexei Abrikosov
(1928-2017)”, Europhysics News, v.48 (3),6-7 (2017). - M. A. Iontsev, S. I. Mukhin, and M. V. Fistul “Double-resonance response of a superconducting quantum metamaterial: Manifestation of nonclassical states of photons”, Physical Review B, 94, 174510 (2016).
- S. I. Mukhin , “Euclidean action of fermi-system with “hidden order”, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter,v. 460, 264 (2015).
- S.I. Matveenko, S.I. Mukhin, Spin-charge ordering induced by magnetic field in superconducting state: Analytical solution in the two-dimensional self-consistent model, EPL 109, 57007 (2015).
- V. Cvetkovic, Z. Nussiniov, S. Mukhin and J. Zaanen, “Observing the fluctuating stripes in high Tc superconductors”, EuroPhysics Letters, vol. 81,
27001-1 −6 (2008). - S.I. Mukhin, A. Mesaros, J. Zaanen, and F.V. Kusmartsev, “Enhanced electronic polarizability of metallic stripes and the universality of the bond-stretching phonon anomaly in high temperature cuprate superconductors”, Phys. Rev B, vol. 76,
174521-1 −6 (2007). - J. Zaanen, Z. Nussinov, and S. Mukhin, “Duality in 2+1D quantum elasticity: superconductivity and quantum nematic order”, Annals of Physics, vol.310, pp.
181-260 (2004). - B. Kyung, S.I. Mukhin, V.N. Kostur, and R. A. Ferrell, “Spectral properties of the t-J model in the presence of hole-phonon interaction”. Phys. Rev. B v.54,
13167-13173 (1996). - S.I. Mukhin, W. van Saarloos, J. Zaanen “Gas of elastic quantum strings in 2+1 dimensions : Finite temperatures” Phys. Rev. B v.64, 115105 (2001).
- S.I. Mukhin. “Stripe-phase ordering as a quantum interference phenomenon”, Phys. Rev. B, vol.62, pp.
4332-4335 (2000). - S.I. Matveenko, and S.I. Mukhin. “Analytical Stripe Phase Solution for the Hubbard Model”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.84, pp.
6066-6069 (2000). - A.A. Abrikosov, S.I. Mukhin. “Spin glass with nonmagnetic defects”, Journ. of Low Temp. Phys., v.33, Nos.3/4,
207-229 (1978).
Most important publications in biophysics
- Boris Kheyfets, Timur Galimzyanov, and Sergei Mukhin “Lipid lateral self-diffusion drop at liquid-gel phase transition”, Physical Review E, 99, 012414 (2019).
- B. Kheyfets, T. Galimzyanov, S. Mukhin “Microscopic description of thermodynamics of Lipid Membrane at Liquid-Gel Phase Transition”, JETP Letters, Vol. 107, No.
11,718–724 (2018). - A. Drozdova and S. Mukhin, “Lateral pressure profile in lipid membranes with curvature: Analytical calculation”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 125(2),
357-363 (2017). - Boris Kheyfets, Timur Galimzyanov, Anna Drozdova, and Sergei Mukhin “Analytical calculation of the lipid bilayer bending modulus”, Physical Review E, vol. 94, 042415 (2016).
- B. B. Kheyfets, S. I. Mukhin, “Entropic Part of the Boundary Energy in a Lipid Membrane”, Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 5(3),
392-399 (2011). - S. I. Mukhin and B.B. Kheyfets, “Analytical approach to thermodynamics of bolalipid membranes”, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 82,
051901-9 (2010). - S. I. Mukhin and S.V. Baoukina, “Analytical derivation of thermodynamic characteristics of lipid bilayer from flexible string model”, Phys. Rev. E, v.71, No.6, 061918, (2005).
- S.V. Baoukina and S. I. Mukhin, “Bilayer membrane in confined geometry: interlayer slide and entropic repulsion”, JETP, v.99,No.4,875-888, 2004.
- S.I. Mukhin, S.V. Baoukina , “Inter-layer Slide and Stress Relaxation in a Bilayer Lipid Membrane in the Patch-Clamp Setting”, Biol. Membrany, v.21,No.6,
506-517, (2004).
Baukina SV, “Theoretical modeling of two-layer smectic liquid crystals”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, defense 23.06.2005, MISiS.
Galimzyanov TR, “Theory of phase separation and structure of domain boundaries in two-layer smectic liquid crystals”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, defense of 19.04.2012, NUST MISIS.
Kheifets BB, “Microscopic theory of structural and phase transformations in smectic liquid crystals”, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, defense on 03/27/2014, NUST MISIS.
Karpov PI, “Induced superstructures of charged topological defects in low-dimensional systems”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, defense on December 21, 2017, NUST “MISiS”.
Iontsev MA, “Phase transitions in an ensemble of Josephson contacts interacting with an electromagnetic field in a resonant cavity”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, defense 20.02.2020, NUST MISIS.
Gnezdilov N.V., “On transport properties of Majorana fermions in superconductors: free and interacting”, PhD 12.06.2019, Leiden University, The Netherlands (co-promotor).
NUST MISIS, courses:
- Mechanics and elasticity theory
(1995-2017), semestrial.
The course presents the basic concepts of classical mechanics and is based on the principle of least action and the principle of relativity of Galileo, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms of describing the motion of material particles. The theory of elasticity describes mechanics of solids, considered as a solid continuum, using the formalism of strain and stress tensors for the description of static and dynamic elastic deformation in a linear approximation. The course examines the following topics: propagation of elastic waves in solids, oscillations of thin plate and Euler beam, stability of elastic systems.
- Electrodynamics
(1995-2017), semestrial.
The course presents the basic concepts of classical electrodynamics and is based on applying the principle of least action to a Maxwell’s action of the electromagnetic gauge fields with point charges. The equations of motion of electromagnetic field, the charges in an external electromagnetic field and emission of electromagnetic waves by accelerated charges are derived in a unified way from Lorentz-invariant Lagrange equations in the special theory of relativity. Emphasis is made on the interaction of electromagnetic fields with matter. Derived are: radiation of electromagnetic waves by moving charges; theory of scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a charge, dielectric functions of solids and spectrum of plasma oscillations. We consider the paradox of instability of atoms to electromagnetic radiation of electrons around the nuclei as one of “driving conflicts” that led to the creation of quantum mechanics.
- Quantum mechanics
(1995-2017), semestrial.
The course sets out a basic framework of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, including the formulation of the physical problem of determining the state of a quantum-mechanical system for predicting the results of macroscopic measurements. We introduce the formalism of Hermitian operators of physical quantities in the Schrödinger and Heisenberg representations, describe approximate methods of finding the wave functions of particles. The following issues were examined: theory of a quantum harmonic oscillator, quantum tunneling effect and solution of the quantum states of electron in a hydrogen atom. The course introduces the concept of spin and identity of elementary particles, considers symmetry properties of wave functions of bosons and fermions, leading to exchange phenomena, in particular, the phenomenon of magnetism in solids. An illustration of the Bohr’s correspondence principle in WKB approximation.
- Statistical physics
(1995-2017), semestrial.
The course outlines the basic concepts, laws and methods of statistical physics based on Liouville’s theorem and statistical Gibbs ensemble; demonstrates their applications to the description of thermodynamic properties of condensed matter, especially, the quantum properties of solids and fluids described by quantum statistics. In particular, the course focuses on the quantum phenomena in condensed matter systems at low temperatures.
- Electron theory of metals (1996 — present), semestrial.
The course introduces the basic methods of the modern electron theory of solids based on the concept of quasi-particles and Landau Fermi-liquid theory for normal metals, as well as the concept of the Cooper pairing of electrons and theory of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer of metals in superconducting state.
- Quantum electronic properties of nanosystems (2014 — present), semestrial.
The course of lectures is devoted to the theory of quantum phenomena in electronic nanosystems: the theory of random Hamiltonian matrices of Wigner-Dyson and thermodynamics of nanoclusters, Peierls transition in quasi one-dimensional conductors, Ising transition on a two-dimensional square lattice and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional XY-model, theory of spin fluctuations in one-dimensional Ising chain.
Member of the dissertation council of NUST MISIS, chairman of the expert council of NUST MISIS in majors 01.04.07 “Condensed matter physics” and 05.16.01 “Metals science and heat treatment of metals and alloys”.
Chairman of the dissertation council of MIPT, major 01.04.02 “Theoretical physics” (Phystech School of Fundamental and Applied Physics).
Member of American Biophysical Society.