Doctor of physics and mathematics, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory “Physical methods and laser apparatus for cancer diagnostics and therapy”, deputy director of IAP RAS for scientific work.
- khazanov.ea@misis.ru
+7 495 638-45-58 - Ленинский пр-т, д.6, аудитория А-621
Research Interests
Member of the academy E.A. Khazanov is an experimental physicist focused on the creation of laser systems. Areas of his interest include solid-state lasers with diffraction divergence and high average capacity, thermal optics of solid-state lasers, optical parametric amplifiers of chirped femtosecond laser impulses, petawatt lasers, non-linear optics, including the issues of wave front reversal.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
2014 — present: NUST MISIS, head of the laboratory “Physical methods and laser apparatus for cancer diagnostics and therapy”.
1988 — present: IAP of the USSR Academy of Sciences, trainee-researcher, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, head of laboratory No. 372, head of department No. 370, deputy director of IAP RAS for scientific work.
Laureate of the 2018 National Award of the Russian Federation in science and technology for establishing the fundamental principles and instrumental solutions to solve problems in the registration of gravitational waves.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 72.
Number of articles on Scopus — 508.
ResearcherID: B-6643-2014.
- “Development and creation of solid-state laser systems with a high peak power, and of the element base of such systems”, state assignment in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science — 0035-2014-0016,
2014-2018. - “Laser systems with a high peak and average power in the near and middle infrared range”, state assignment in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science — 0035-2019-0015,
2019-2020. - “Laser complex for the generation of high-brightness electron bunches”, Agreement No.
dated 05/04/2018 with the Russian Science Foundation,2018-2020. - “Amplifiers based on active elements of promising geometries for the creation of pico- and femtosecond lasers with a high average power”, Agreement No. 075-02-2018-183 dated 11/26/2018 with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the federal target program,
2018-2020. - “Creation of an elementary and technological base for alternative, environmentally friendly hybrid thermonuclear installations based on ultra-powerful laser systems”, Agreement No. 14.607.21.0196 dated September 26, 2017 with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the federal target program,
2017-2020. - “Creation of a technology for the manufacture of nonlinear crystals, a sample of the regenerative preamplifier of the SFOI, charging systems for the storage device and Pockels cells of the prototype of the module for the UFL-2M installation”, R&D Component Contract No. 45/220dated 05/30/2012,
2012-2022. - “Creation and development of the world-class scientific center “Photonics Center” on the priority of scientific and technological development “Advanced digital technologies and artificial intelligence, robotic systems, new generation materials”, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, federal budget,
2020-2022. - Grant Agreement No. 871072 CREMLIN Plus, European Commission,
2020-2024. - “Thermal effects in laser interferometers of new generation gravitational wave detectors”, RFBR,
- Lozhkarev, V.V., Freidman, G.I., Ginzburg, V.N., Katin, E.V., Khazanov, E.A., Kirsanov, A.V., Luchinin, G.A., Mal’shakov, A.N., Martyanov, M.A., Palashov, O.V., Poteomkin, A.K., Sergeev, A.M., Shaykin, A.A., Yakovlev, I.V. Compact 0.56 petawatt laser system based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification in KD*P crystals (2007) Laser Physics Letters, 4 (6), pp.
421-427. DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200710008. Link. - Khazanov, E., Andreev, N., Palashov, O., Poteomkin, A., Sergeev, A., Mehl, O., Reitze, D.H. Effect of terbium gallium garnet crystal orientation on the isolation ratio of a faraday isolator at high average power (2002) Applied Optics, 41 (3), pp.
483-492. DOI: 10.1364/AO.41.000483. Link - Khazanov, E.A., Kulagin, O.V., Yoshida, S., Tanner, D.B., Reitze, D.H. Investigation of self-induced depolarization of laser radiation in terbium gallium garnet (1999) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 35 (8), pp.
1116-1122. DOI: 10.1109/3.777210. Link. - Lozhkarev, V.V., Freidman, G.I., Ginzburg, V.N., Katin, E.V., Khazanov, E.A., Kirsanov, A.V., Luchinin, G.A., Mal’Shakov, A.N., Martyanov, M.A., Palashov, O.V., Poteomkin, A.K., Sergeev, A.M., Shaykin, A.A., Yakovlev, I.V., Garanin, S.G., Sukharev, S.A., Rukavishnikov, N.N., Charukhchev, A.V., Gerke, R.R., Yashin, V.E. 200 TW 45 fs laser based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (2006) Optics Express, 14 (1), pp.
446-454. DOI: 10.1364/OPEX.14.000446. Link. - Mourou, G.A., Fisch, N.J., Malkin, V.M., Toroker, Z., Khazanov, E.A., Sergeev, A.M., Tajima, T., Le Garrec, B. Exawatt-Zettawatt pulse generation and applications (2012) Optics Communications, 285 (5), pp.
720-724. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2011.10.089. Link. - Khazanov, E.A. Compensation of thermally induced polarisation distortions in Faraday isolators (1999) Quantum Electronics, 29 (1), pp.
59-64. DOI: 10.1070/QE1999v029n01ABEH001412. Link. - Mourou, G., Mironov, S., Khazanov, E., Sergeev, A. Single cycle thin film compressor opening the door to Zeptosecond-Exawatt physics (2014) European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 223 (6), pp.
1181-1188. DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2014-02171-5. Link. - Khazanov, E., Andreev, N.F., Mal’shakov, A., Palashov, O., Poteomkin, A.K., Sergeev, A., Shaykin, A.A., Zelenogorsky, V., Ivanov, I.A., Amin, R., Mueller, G., Tanner, D.B., Reitze, D.H. Compensation of thermally induced modal distortions in Faraday isolators (2004) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 40 (10), pp.
1500-1510. DOI: 10.1109/JQE.2004.834766. Link. - Korzhimanov, A.V., Gonoskov, A.A., Khazanov, E.A., Sergeev, A.M. Horizons of petawatt laser technology (2011) Physics-Uspekhi, 54 (1), pp.
9-28. DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0181.201101c.0009. Link. - Khazanov, E.A. Thermally induced birefringence in Nd:YAG ceramics (2002) Optics Letters, 27 (9), pp.
716-718. DOI: 10.1364/OL.27.000716. Link.
- RF patent for utility model No. 122498. “Conventional Faraday rotator for high average power lasers”. Authors: Oleg Valentinovich Palashov (RU), Evgeny Aleksandrovich Perevezentsev (RU), Evgeny Vasilievich Katin (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 02/22/2012.
- RF patent for invention No. 2548688. “Pulse periodic laser on neodime glass for pumping powerful titanium-sapphire amplifiers operating with a pulse repeat rate of not less than 0.02 Hz”. Authors:
- Aleksey Kuzmin (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU), Andrey Alekseevich Shaykin (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 10/18/2013.
- RF patent for invention No. 2465698. “Device for compensation of thermo-induced depolarization in the absorbing optical element of laser”. Authors: Ilya Lvovich Snetkov (RU), Oleg Valentinovich Palashov (RU), Ivan Borisovich Mukhin (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 01/17/2011.
- RF patent for invention No. 2484509. “Polarizing apodizing diaphragm”. Authors: Aleksander Vladimirovich Voytovich (RU),
- Anatoly Konstantinovich Potemkin (RU),
- Evgeny Aleksandrovich Mironov(RU), Oleg Valentinovich Palashov (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 11/16/2011.
- RF patent for invention No. 2506566. “Method for determining optical anisotropy parameter sigma of cubic single crystal material relating to the m3m or 432 symmetry class”. Authors: Anton Georgievich Vyatkin (RU), Oleg Valentinovich Palashov (RU), Ilya Lvovich Snetkov (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 08/20/2012.
- RF patent for invention No. 2342688. “Optical valve for high power lasers”. Authors: Aleksander Vladimirovich Voytovich (RU), Dmitry Sergeevich Zheleznov (RU), Ivan Borisovich Mukhin (RU), Oleg Valentinovich Palashov (RU), Efim Arkadievich Khazanov (RU). Starting date of the patent validity period: 01/29/2007.
- United States Patent US9678405. “System and method for high-intensity ultrashort pulse compression”. Authors:
- Mironov; Sergey (Nizhny Novgorod, RU), Khazanov; Efim (Nizhny Novgorod, RU), Sergeev; Alexander (Nizhny Novgorod, RU), Lassonde; Philippe (Montreal, CA), Kieffer; Jean-Claude (Montreal, CA), Mourou; Gerard (Paris, FR). Priority date: January 6, 2014.
- Frances Patent FR3017495 (B1). “High-energy, reduced pulse durationshort-pulse femtosecond laser system”. Authors: Mourou Gérard [FR]; Mironov Sergey [RU]; Khazanov Efim [RU]; Sergey Alexander [RU]. Priority number(s): FR20140051101 20140212. Priority date: 08/20/2015.
- “The femtosecond laser has a high energy pulse to another and time”. Authors: Mourou, G., S. Mironov, E. Khazanov, and A. Sergeev. Priority number(s): Application FR-3017495-A12014.
- Patent for utility model No. 188876. “Spatial filter for high-power multistage laser amplifiers”. Patentee: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IAP RAS). Authors: Aleksey Vladimirovich Kirsanov, Anatoly Konstantinovich Potemkin, Efim Arkadievich Khazanov, Andrey Alekseevich Shaykin. Application No. 2018146095. Priority date: December 25, 2018. License agreement has been concluded: dated 11/26/2020 No. RD0347659.
NNSU, laser physics course, since 1998.