PhD in chemistry, senior researcher at the Separation and Pre-Concentration in the Chemical Diagnostics of Functional Materials and Environmental Objects Laboratory
Research interests
Analytical chemistry, ecology, speciation analysis, analysis of environmental objects, analysis of functional materials, separation methods, rotating coiled columns, sample preparation, fractionation analysis, fractionation of nano- and microparticles.
Field of knowledge according to OECD
Analytical chemistry, environmental sciences, geosciences — multidisciplinary, materials science — characterization and testing.
2014 — present: senior researcher at the Separation and Pre-Concentration in the Chemical Diagnostics of Functional Materials and Environmental Objects Laboratory, NUST MISIS.
2009 — present: senior researcher, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
2013: PhD in chemistry.
2009: higher education — Department of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.
Scientific researches of M.S. Ermolin are aimed at the development of integrated analytical approaches to the separation, study of the chemical composition and properties of nano- and microparticles of environmental samples and functional materials
The development by M.S. Ermolin of the method of field-flow fractionation in a rotating coiled column for the first time allowed to study the chemical composition of nanoparticles of complex polydisperse environmental samples, such as urban dust, road dust and volcanic ash. An uneven distribution of elements (including toxic ones) between fractions of dust and ash of different sizes was revealed. It was shown that environmental nanoparticles, which have a high mobility and penetration ability into living organisms, are able to pre-concentrate toxic elements on their surface.
M.S. Ermolin carried out a comparative study determined analytical capabilities of methods for separating nanoparticles from polydisperse environmental samples. It was shown that the method of field-flow fractionation of RCC has several advantages over traditional methods, such as membrane filtration and sedimentation, namely, a higher efficiency of nanoparticle isolation (mass of released nanoparticles) and the speed of nanoparticle isolation. In addition, the possibility of scaling the process of particle separation using higher volume RCCs without reducing the separation efficiency was demonstrated.
Another area of M.S. Ermolin’s research was the study on the behavior and mobility of engineered nanoparticles of copper, cerium oxide and zinc oxide, which are used as nanopesticides and nanofertilizers, in soils under various natural and technological scenarios. It was shown that the mobility of poorly soluble nanoparticles (zinc oxide and cerium dioxide) decreases during sequential wetting/drying cycles of soil. The mobility of copper nanoparticles in soil increases due to their gradual dissolution during sequential wetting/drying cycles. Analytical possibilities of flow-through systems based on a microcolumn and a rotating coiled column for simulating the behavior of engineered nanoparticles in soils were examined. It was shown that the use of a microcolumn is preferable due to the preservation of the natural packing of soil in the column.
M.S. Ermolin also studied the possibility of using the method of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the analysis of bimetallic nanoparticles. As a result of studies using cerium-aluminum oxide (AlCeO3) nanoparticles as an example, it was shown for the first time that it is possible in principle to simultaneously determine two elements in one particle by single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 8.
Number of articles on Scopus — 28.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0023- 4507.
ResearcherID: F-2508-2017.
Scopus AuthorID: 36730909000.
16-33- 01048 “Fractionation, characterization, and recovery of nano- and microparticles of functional materials” (Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
17-73- 10338 “Development of a set of analytical methods for studying the behavior of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in soils” (Russian Science Foundation).
20-33- 70015 “Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: new possibilities in the investigation of environmental nanoparticles” (Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
20-73- 00299 “Development of a set of methods for the preparation and characterization of reference samples of natural nanoparticles” (Russian Science Foundation).
21-33- 70091 “Assessment of contribution of anthropogenic sources to the pollution of nanoparticles of Moscow urban dust” (Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
- Purchase, D.; Abbasi, G.; Bisschop, L.; Chatterjee, D.; Ekberg, C.; Ermolin, M.; Fedotov, P.; Garelick, H.; Isimekhai, K., Kandile, N. G.; Lundström, M.; Matharu, A.; Miller, B. W.; Pineda, A.; Popoola, O. E.; Retegan, T.; Ruedel, H.; Serpe, A.; Sheva, Y.; Surati, K. R.; Walsh, F.; Wilson, B. P.; Wong, M. H. Global occurrence, chemical properties, and ecological impacts of e-wastes (IUPAC technical report). PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 2020. Link.
- Ivaneev, A. I.; Ermolin, M. S.; Fedotov, P. S.; Faucher, S.; Lespes, G. Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation in Thin Channels and Rotating Coiled Columns: From Analytical to Preparative Scale Separations. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION REVIEWS. Link.
- Ivaneev, A. I.; Faucher, S.; Ermolin, M. S.; Karandashev, V. K.; Fedotov, P. S.; Lespes, G. Separation of Nanoparticles from Polydisperse Environmental Samples: Comparative Study of Filtration, Sedimentation, and Coiled Tube Field-Flow Fractionation. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2019, 411 (30),
8011–8021. Link. - Ermolin, M. S.; Fedotov, P. S.; Malik, N. A.; Karandashev, V. K. Nanoparticles of Volcanic Ash as a Carrier for Toxic Elements on the Global Scale. CHEMOSPHERE 2018, 200,
16–22. Link. - Ermolin, M. S.; Fedotov, P. S.; Ivaneev, A. I.; Karandashev, V. K.; Fedyunina, N. N.; Burmistrov, A. A. A Contribution of Nanoscale Particles of Road-Deposited Sediments to the Pollution of Urban Runoff by Heavy Metals. CHEMOSPHERE 2018, 210,
65–75. Link. - Fedotov, P. S.; Ermolin, M. S.; Ivaneev, A. I.; Fedyunina, N. N.; Karandashev, V. K.; Tatsy, Y. G. Continuous-Flow Leaching in a Rotating Coiled Column for Studies on the Mobility of Toxic Elements in Dust Samples Collected near a Metallurgic Plant. CHEMOSPHERE 2016, 146,
371–378. Link. - Ermolin, M. S.; Fedotov, P. S.; Ivaneev, A. I.; Karandashev, V. K.; Burmistrov, A. A.; Tatsy, Y. G. Assessment of Elemental Composition and Properties of Copper Smelter-Affected Dust and Its Nano- and Micron Size Fractions. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2016, 23 (23),
23781–23790. Link. - Fedotov, P. S.; Ermolin, M. S.; Karandashev, V. K.; Ladonin, D. V. Characterization of Size, Morphology and Elemental Composition of Nano-, Submicron, and Micron Particles of Street Dust Separated Using Field-Flow Fractionation in a Rotating Coiled Column. TALANTA 2014, 130,
1–7. Link. - Ermolin, M. S.; Fedotov, P. S. Separation and Characterization of Environmental Nano- and Submicron Particles. REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, 35 (4),
185–199. Link. - Fedotov, P. S.; Ermolin, M. S.; Katasonova, O. N. Field-Flow Fractionation of Nano- and Microparticles in Rotating Coiled Columns. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2015, 1381,
202–209. Link.
P.S. Fedotov, M.S. Ermolin. “Method of fractionation of polydisperse mixtures of nano- and microparticles”. Russian patent No. 2643539. Priority date 12/02/2016.
The results of studies of urban dust nanoparticles performed by M.S. Ermolin are covered in the “New People” TV program on topical TV channel Science 2.0.