PhD in chemistry, laboratory assistance at the Separation and Pre-Concentration in the Chemical Diagnostics of Functional Materials and Environmental Objects Laboratory (NUST MISIS), junior researcher (Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Research interests
Analytical chemistry, environmental nano- and microparticles, separation, coiled tube filed flow fractionation.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
1.04 Chemical sciences.
2014 — present: laboratory assistant, NUST MISIS.
2019 — present: junior researcher, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
French-Russian postgraduate studies at NUST MISIS and the University of Pau and the Adour Region, PhD in chemistry.
NUST MISIS, specialist.
The advantages of the separation technique entailing the fractionation of particles in a rotation coiled column (RCC), as compared to traditional separation techniques (membrane filtration and sedimentation) in separating environmental nanoparticles, were identified.
A comprehensive approach to studying polydisperse environmental samples based on the use of RCC was developed and significantly expanded in terms of its application areas to cover the studies of various samples of urban dust and volcanic ash. The regularities of accumulating microelements, including toxic ones, between various size particles of urban dust and volcanic ash sample range were demonstrated.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 4.
Number of articles on Scopus — 11.
Ivaneev A., Ermolin M., Fedotov P., Faucher S., Lespes G. Sedimentation field-flow fractionation in thin channels and rotating coiled columns: from analytical to preparative scale separations // Separation & Purification Reviews. 2020. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1080/15422119.2020.1784940
Ivaneev A., Faucher S., Ermolin M., Karandashev V., Fedotov P., Lespes G. Separation of nanoparticles from polydisperse environmental samples: comparative study of filtration, sedimentation, and coiled tube field-flow fractionation // Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 2019. № 411. P.
Ivaneev A., Faucher S., Fedyunina N., Karandashev V., Ermolin M., Fedotov P., Lespes G. Reliability of the direct ICP-MS analysis of volcanic ash nanoparticles // Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 2019. Vol. 99, № 4. P.
Ermolin M.S., Fedotov P.S., Ivaneev A.I., Karandashev V.K., Fedyunina N.N., Burmistrov A.A. A contribution of nanoscale particles of road-deposited sediments to the pollution of urban runoff by heavy metals // Chemosphere, 2018. Vol. 210. P.
Ермолин М.С., Федотов П.С., Иванеев А.И., Карандашев В.К., Федюнина Н.Н., Еськина В.В. Выделение и количественный анализ наночастиц дорожной пыли // Журнал аналитической химии. 2017. № 5. с.
Fedotov P.S., Ermolin M.S., Ivaneev A.I., Fedyunina N.N., Karandashev V.K., Tatsy Y.G. Continuous-flow leaching in a rotating coiled column for studies on the mobility of toxic elements in dust samples collected near a metallurgic plant // Chemosphere, 2016. Vol. 146, P.
Ermolin M.S., Fedotov P.S., Ivaneev A.I., Karandashev V.K., Burmistrov A.A., Tatsy Y.G. Assessment of elemental composition and properties of copper smelter-affected dust and its nano- and micron size fractions // Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016. Vol. 23, № 23. P.
Member of the council of young scientists at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.