Doctor of engineering, professor with the relevant major, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, member of the World Academy of Ceramics, chair of the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings, director of the MISIS-ISMAN Scientific and Academic Center of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
- levashov.ea@misis.ru
+7 495 638-45-00 - Крымский Вал, д. 3, ауд. К-109
- Персональный сайт
MISiS, powder metallurgy and composites
Research interests
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, powder metallurgy, selective laser melting for the production of metal, ceramic and composite materials (electrode, diamond-containing, cemented carbides, refractory, high-temperature, heat-resistant, granular, reinforced), as well as ion-plasma sputtering and electrospark deposition of functional coatings (tribological, ultrahard, heat-resistant, optically transparent, biocompatible and bioactive), nanotechnologies, materials engineering.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
Chemical sciences.
2019: honorary worker of science and high technologies of the Russian Federation.
2013: honorary inventor of the City of Moscow.
2003: professor.
1996: doctor of engineering.
1987: PhD in engineering.
1982: engineer, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.
2007 — present: chair of the NUST MISIS Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings.
2019: honorary worker of science and high technologies of the Russian Federation.
2013: honorary inventor of the City of Moscow.
2007: honorary doctor of the Colorado School of Mines.
2003: professor.
1996: doctor of engineering.
1989 — present: director of the MISIS-ISMAN Scientific and Academic Center of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis.
1987: PhD in engineering.
1982: engineer, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.
1. Theoretical models of burning and structure formation processes for various SHS-heterogeneous systems were developed:
- In the criterial form, the equation of transition from the diffusional mode of burning to the capillary flow mode for solid-liquid type systems (such as based on titanium-carbon) was obtained. Confirmed experimentally, that equation links heat-physical, hydro-dynamic and diffusional system parameters with the mixture composition and dispersity of the initial reagents.
- The “competitive filling” model to describe macro-kinetic characteristics of burning processes in capillary-porous systems containing hotmelts of the reagent and inert filler was developed.
- The model of spreading the heat and chemical wave of gas-free burning in multi-layer systems was developed.
- By using the high-speed video recording of the burning wave in systems based on Ti-C, it was for the first time established that, at the micro-level, the burning zone constitutes the entirety of flare centers accounted for by the chemical reaction in certain elementary cells, in which the reaction surface was formed. This phenomenon was given a theoretical explanation.
- The kinetics of burning and the mechanism of structure formation of ceramic and metal-ceramic compositions in the burning wave of various SHS systems based on Ti-C-B, Ti-Mo-C, Mo-Si, Ti-Mo-Nb-Ni-Al-C-N, Ti-Ta-C, Ti-Nb-C, Ti-Zr-C, Cr-B, Ti-Cr-B, Si-C-B, Ti-Al-C, Cr-Al-C, Ti-Cr-Al-C, Mo-Si-B, Cr-Al-Si-B, Ta-Zr-C, Ta-Hf-C, etc. were explored.
2. New electrode materials (based on carbides, borides, silicides, intermetallides dispersely strengthened by nanoparticles) for impulse electrospark hardening processes were developed. Automated new generation Alier-Metal units characterized by an increased productivity, high frequency of impulsive discharges (up to 3,000 hz) and the quality of coatings were created. Those electrode materials and units found application in the strengthening and restoring of cutting, punching, pressing and rolling tools, responsible units of aviation and space machinery.
3. The theoretical model of the process of thermo-reaction electrospark deposition of coatings (TRED) based on the exothermic chemical reaction in the surface layer encouraged by the impulsive discharge energy was created. The technology of producing charge TRED — electrodes from nanodispersed components was developed and mastered. The TRED technology was successfully implemented in practice to the restoration and strengthening of punching, pressing and rolling tools. The possibility of obtaining diamond-containing coatings via the TRED method was in principle established.
4. Based on fundamental SHS researches, he developed and certified a wide range of composite pellets, including TiC-TiB2, TiB2-Al2O3, TiCa, TiB2-Ti5Si3, TiB-Ti, TiN-TiB2, TiN-Ti5Si3, TiC-Ti3SiC2-TiSi2 (SiC), TiB2-TiAl, TiC-Cr3C2, TiC-TiAl, Ti2-xCrxAlC, Ti5Si3-Ti, TiB2-CrB2, CrB2, Сr-Al-B-Si, MoB-MoSi2, Mo5SiB2, (Ti,Mo)C-Mo2C, TiC-TaC-Mo2C, TiCa-CaO(ZrO2), TiCa-Ti3POx-CaO, Ti-Ti3P-CaO, (Ti,Та)Ca-Ti3POx-CaO, TiCa-Ti3P-CaO-FeMgAg, (Ta,Zr)C, for ion-plasma (magnetron) evaporation of multifunctional nanostructured coatings. The technology of producing disk and planar pellets was developed and deployed.
5. Regularities of impacts of magnetron diffusion parameters, as well as of magnetron diffusion with assistance by ionic implantation on the structure and features of nanostructure films and coatings were discovered. Optimal technological regimes of deposition of nanostructure multifunctional, multilayer and functionally-gradient coatings (biocompatible, ultrahard, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, resistive) were identified. With the help of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, thin films with crystallites of less than
6. New classes of multicomponent bioactive nanostructure coatings (MBNC), including with antibacterial effects, in the Ti-(Ca,P,Zr,Ta,Si,Ag)-(C,N,O) implant systems operating under load in orthopedy, dentistry and maxillo-facial surgery were created. Such coatings have a unique combination of physical, mechanical, tribological, biological and chemical features necessary for healthcare uses, namely: lowered Young’s modulus (Е) of
7. It was for the first time theoretically and experimentally established that, in certain conditions, a single-point diamond stands, without any materials changes, a short-term impact of a high-temperature chemical synthesis wave. The arbitrary growth of a tungsten carbide film at the boundary of the diamond crystal section against the agglomeration with an iron-group metal in the presence of WC oxygen-containing nanoparticles was identified. The technology of producing diamond instruments (segmental wheels, borers and rope saws) with a nanomodified binder having an increased productivity, resource and the cost that is by 10% lower as compared to the best analogs as regards cutting, drilling, grinding technical ceramics, high-strength concrete, cast iron and steel was developed.
8. Academic and technology fundamentals of mechanically activating SHS systems were developed. High efficiency of mechanically activating reaction mixtures containing a nanodisperse component for the synthesis of corrosion materials based on intermetallides, nonstoichiometric carbides, borides and cylicides was demonstrated. The contribution of mechanical activation to the energy of the burning process activation was assessed. Technological regimes of mechanically activating reaction mixtures in the Ti-Si, Mo-Si, Ti-Cr-C, Ti-B, Ti-BN, Ti-Si3N4, Ti-Cr-B, Cr-B, Mo-B, Ti-Ta-C, Ni-Al, Ti-Al, Ta-Zr-C, Ta-Hf-C systems were worked out.
9. Academic and technological principles of managing SHS processes (elementary syntheses in the solid — liquid type systems and filtration syntheses in the solid — gas systems) with the use of robust ultrasound fields were elaborated. Special aspects of filtration burning in the field of acoustic fluctuations of the audible range of frequencies were examined for the first time. It was shown that ultrasound is an effective tool to manage the structure and features of synthesis products based on carbides, borides and intermetallides of transition metals.
10. Two types of inorganic materials with the effect of concurrently hardening carbide (boride) grains and metallic matrix with nanoparticles were developed:
- ceramic materials of the dispersion-hardened type based on TiC titanium carbide with the effect of the concurrent disperse hardening of carbide grains and metallic binder resulting from the concentration disintegration (managed solid-solution transformation) of oversaturated solid solutions and the resulting separation of nanodisperse excess phases both by the entire amount of carbide grains (such as phases of the MeVC or MeV type) and metallic binder (such as the γ’ phase). The essential novelty of the science engineering approach to creating such materials is as follows. Oversaturated solid solutions may be obtained in the conditions of high temperature gradients realized in the burning wave of the SHS systems. Due to the high temperature of burning (up to 2,500-3,5000С) in the structuring zone, solid solutions accumulate, according to structural diagrams, a high concentration of alloying elements. With fast cooling at the speeds of about 102 — 103 0С/s, such alloying elements fail to leave the crystal lattice, and a solid solution becomes oversaturated. However, subsequent heat processing leads to concentrated disintegration of solid solutions and separation of excess phases. Heat processing conditions, the degree of oversaturation and special aspects of the structural diagram allow for managing the size of excess phases, whose separation causes a significant rise in physico-mechanical properties. The hardness, resistance to cracking, maximum strength and toughness are increased simultaneously;
- ceramic materials (based on carbides, nitrides, borides) with a modified structure obtained by the introduction of nanodisperse additives of high-melting compounds performing the function of modifiers in the primary and secondary structuring process via a liquid phase into the reaction mixture. The impact of nanodisperse additives on macrokinetic parameters of burning and on the structuring of various SHS systems was examined for the first time. The effect of robust modification of the structure of synthesis products resulting in the simultaneous increase of hardness, toughness and resistance to cracking was established. The technology of producing such materials was implemented under semi-commercial conditions.
11. The technology of obtaining narrowly fractional granules of a correct spherical form and of rated grain structure from heat-resistant alloys based on NiAl, TiAl for selective laser agglomeration was developed. A distinctive feature of this technology is a combination of SHS with powder spheroidization and subsequent selective laser melting and hot isostatic pressing. An alloy based on NiAl having a hierarchical structure with hardening phases of HfO2, (HfхNby)C2 and ordered nanophases: α-Cr, Laves — Cr2Nb, Co2Nb and Heusler — Hf2NbCr и Ni2AlHf was developed. The alloy has a high level of heat resistance and creeping strength. At the normal temperature: σв = 3,100 MPa, σ0.2 = 1,180 MPa, ε = 12 %, at 900℃: σ0.2 = 590 MPa, Е = 120 hPa.
- Scopus Hirsch Index — 3.
- Number of articles on Scopus — 358
9382-0849. - ORCID: 0000-0002-0623-0013.
- ResearcherID: N-9481-2013.
- Scopus AuthorID: 7006738175.
Under the leadership of E.A. Levashov, more than 100 scientific projects of the Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation (MSHERF), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russian Science Foundation (RSF), CRDF, ISTC, the European Union were carried out in cooperation with scientists from Japan, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Great Britain, South Korea, Serbia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel.
In particular, E.A. Levashov coordinated the European project FP7-NMP-2011-EU-Russia “Computer modeling, virtual development and functional testing of the behavior features of biocompatible metallic nanomaterials”
Project management
“Hard temperature-adapting self-lubricating nanocomposite coatings”, RSF
“Promising functional composite materials and coatings for high-temperature applications”, RSF
“Development of innovative high-temperature heterophase materials and coatings to protect carbon-carbon composite materials from the effects of high-enthalpy flows of oxidizing gas”, MSHERF
“Development of functional metallic spherical micropowders from materials of a new generation for obtaining parts of complex shapes using additive technologies”, MSHERF
“Development of hierarchical hard alloys with an increased crack resistance and wear resistance based on domestic coarse-grained tungsten carbide powders with a particularly homogeneous structure and nanomodified binder for a new generation of rock cutting tools operating in the Arctic”, MSHERF
“Development of hierarchically structured discrete-reinforced and dispersion-strengthened thermostable materials for heat-loaded units of advanced rocket and space technology”, MSHERF
- Kaplanscky Yu.Yu., Levashov E.A., Korotitskiy A.V., Loginov P.A., Sentyurina Zh.A., Mazalov A.B. Influence of aging and HIP treatment on the structure and properties of NiAl-based turbine blades manufactured by laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 31, 100999;
- Potanin A.Yu., Vorotilo S., Pogozhev Yu.S., Rupasov S.I., Loginov P.A., Shvyndina N.V., Sviridova T.A., Levashov E.A. Potanin A.Yu., Vorotilo S., Pogozhev Yu.S., Rupasov S.I., Loginov P.A., Shvyndina N.V., Sviridova T.A., Levashov E.A. Corrosion Science, 2019, Vol. 158, 108074;
- Vorotilo S., Loginov P., Mishnaevsky L., Sidorenko D., Levashov E. Nanoengineering of metallic alloys for machining tools: Multiscale computational and in situ TEM investigation of mechanisms. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, Vol. 739, p.
480–490; - Iatsyuk I. V., Potanin A. Yu., Levashov E. A. Combustion Synthesis of High-Temperature ZrB2-SiC Ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38, p.
2792-2801; - Xanthopoulou G., Thoda O., Roslyakov S., Steinman A., Kovalev D., Levashov E. Solution combustion synthesis of nano-catalysts with a hierarchical structure. Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 364, p.112-124;
- Kurbatkina V.V., Patsera E.I., Levashov E.A., Timofeev A.N. Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Refractory Boride Ceramics (Zr,Ta)B2 with Superior Properties, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38, p.
1118-1127; - Vorotilo S., Levashov E.A., Kurbatkina V.V., Kovalev D.Yu., Kochetov N.A. Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Nanocomposite Ceramics TaSi2-SiC with Hierarchical Structure and Superior Properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, Vol. 38, Issue 2, p.
433–443; - Loginov P.A., Sidorenko D.A., Levashov E.A., Petrzhik M.I., Bychkova M.Ya., Mishnaevsky L. Jr. Hybrid Metallic Nanocomposites For Extra Wear Resistant Diamond Machining Tools. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2018, 71, p.
36-44; - Levashov E.A., Mukasyan A.S., Rogachev A.S., Shtansky D.V. Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Advanced Materials and Coatings. International Materials Reviews, 2017, vol. 62, No. 4, p.
203-239; - Mishnaevsky L., Levashov E.A., Rabkin E.I., et.al. Nanostructured titanium-based materials for medical implants: Modeling and development. Materials Science and Engineering R, 2014, 81, p
- Levashov E.A., Kurbatkina V.V., Andreev V.A. Binder for the fabrication of diamond tools. European Patent No. 1971462 B1 of 26.02.2020, Bulletin 2020/09, International application number PCT/RU 2006/000491, International publication number WO 2007/055616;
- Levashov E.A., Azarova E.V., Ralchenko V.G., Bol’shakov A., Ashkinazi E.E., Ishizuka Hiroshi, Hosomi Satoru. Substrate for CVD deposition of diamond and method for the preparation thereof. United States Patent, US 9663851 of May 30, 2017. Application No. 13/884.369 of November 9, 2010, International publication number WO 2012/063318 от 18.05.2012;
- Levashov E.A., Andreev V.A., Kurbatkina V.V., Zaitsev A.A., Sidorenko D.A., Rupasov S.I. Copper based binder for the fabrication of diamond tools. Unite States Patent No. US 9156137 of October 13, 2015;
- Levashov E.A., Kurbatkina V.V., Shtansky D.V., Sanz A. Method of Fabricating a Target. European Patent No. 1957687 of 17.04.2013. Bulletin 2013/16. Application number 06829045.1 of 14.11.2006;
- Levashov E.A., Shtansky D.V., Glushankova N.A., Reshetov I.V. Biocompatible Multicomponent Nanostructured Coatings for Medical Applications. Patent of USA, No. 8075682 of December 13, 2011;
- Levashov E.A., Shtansky D.V., Gloushankova N.A., Reshetov I.V. Biologically compatible multicomponent nanostructural coatings for medical applications. European patent No. 1912685 of 10.12.2014, Bulletin 2014/50, European Patent Application No. 05825079.6 of 29.01.2008;
- Levashov E.A., Andreev V.A., Kurbatkina V.V. Binder for the Fabrication of Diamond Tools. USA Patent Application No. 12/084923 of May 13, 2008;
- Levashov E.A., Andreev V.A., Kurbatkina V.V. Binder for the Fabrication of Diamond Tools. European Patent Application No. 06812911.3. The publication number 1971462 of 24.09.2008, РСТ/RU2006/000491 от 25.09.06;
- Levashov E.A., Rogachev A.S., Spitsin B.V., Koizumi M., Ohyanagi M., Hosomi S. Diamond-Containing Stratified Composite Material and Method of Manufacturing the Same. Patent of the USA No. 6432150 of August 13, 2002;
- Koizumi M., Ohyanagi M., Hosomi S., Levashov E.A., Trotsue A.V., Borovinskaya I.P. Composite Material and Process for Producing the Same. European Patent No.0731186 of 20.10.2004. Bulletin 2004/43.
Scientific supervision over 23 PhD theses.
Chairman of the D-212.132.05 dissertation council at NUST MISIS. Since 2018: deputy chairman of the NUST MISIS joint dissertation council, chairman of the expert council for specialties 05.16.02 “Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals (technical sciences)”, 05.16 .06 “Powder metallurgy and composite materials (technical sciences)”, 25.00.13 “Mineral processing (technical sciences)”. Member of the D-002.092.02 dissertation council at the A.G. Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Problems of Materials Science under the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Editor-in-chief of journals “Izvestiya vuzov. Non-ferrous metallurgy”, “Izvestiya vuzov. Powder metallurgy and functional coatings”, “Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals”; deputy editor-in-chief of “International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis”, responsible editor of journals “Materials” and “Non-ferrous metals”.
Member of international committees: Functionally Graded Materials; European Joint Committee for Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering; International Committee on SHS; World Congress of Ceramics CIMTEC, International Committee Plansee Seminar, All-Russian Conference on Nanomaterials, All-Russian Symposium on Combustion and Explosion, International Conference “Phase Transformations and Crystal Strength”, International Conference “New Materials and Technologies: Powder Metallurgy, Composite Materials, Protective Coatings, Welding”, International Symposium “Powder Metallurgy: Surface Engineering , New Powder Composite Materials, Welding”.
Member of the Scientific Council on Combustion and Explosion of the Russian Academy of Sciences, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RFBR, RSF.