![Tolstykh Tatiana Olegovna](/files/10435/tLst.png)
Doctor of economics, professor at the NUST MISIS Department of Industrial Management, professor at the Plekhanov RUE Department of Industrial Economics
Research Interests
System analysis, strategy, innovation, projects, forecasting, industry, digitalization.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
Doctor of economics, professor at the NUST MISIS Department of Industrial Management.
2017 — present: professor at the Department of Industrial Management (NUST MISIS), concurrently — professor at the Department of Industrial Economics (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics).
2013 —2018: professor at the Department of Economics and Management at the Mechanical Engineering Enterprise “Voronezh State Technical University”; RANEPA branch in Voronezh — professor.
Main Results of Scientific Work
Laureate of the Voronezh Region Administration Prize for the monograph “Management of the innovation policy of regional educational complexes” (2005).
Laureate of the competition held by the National Education Development Fund for the best scientific book for the book “Strategic management of commercial activities” (2006, 2007, 2008).
Gratitude from the Governor of the Voronezh Region for a great contribution to the development of science and education and for the textbook “Innovative management of commercial activities” and the scientific work “Development of a methodology for the innovative development of socio-economic systems based on the theory of conflict” (2008).
Gratitude from the Governor of the Voronezh Region for a great contribution to the development of science and education, for the monograph “Innovative management of commercial activities” and the scientific work “Formation of systems for managing the competitiveness of regional, socio-economic clusters” (2011).
Deputy head of the working group “Modernization of education and the socio-cultural environment of the region” on the development of the draft strategy for the socio-economic development of the Voronezh region for the period up to 2035.
Reviewer of international MDPI journals.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 9.
Number of articles on Scopus — 32.
ORCID 0000-0002-4386- 9684.
Significant Research Projects, Grants
Head of the RFBR grant of 2009 (Voronezh branch of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics) for an international conference on the topic “Mathematical methods in economics”.
Participation in the Tempus project (Voronezh Regional Training and Consulting Center for Quality and Innovation at the Voronezh State Technical University), 2009.
Participation in the innovative project “Quality assurance of the educational program” with the support of the council for the coordination of quality management of vocational education of Rosobrnadzor of the Russian Academy of Public Service, Moscow, 2009.
Deputy head of the working group “Modernization of education and the socio-cultural environment of the region” on the development of the draft strategy for the socio-economic development of the Voronezh region for the period up to 2030,
For Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution for Higher Education Penza State University. No.
Fundamentals of developing mechanisms for effective digital service-oriented interaction of participants in socio-economic systems and networks,
For Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (NUST MISIS)
Methodology for the formation of a new economy of industrial systems based on the principles of ecosystem and circularity,
Significant publications
- Tolstykh T., Gamidullaeva L., Shmeleva N. Universities as Knowledge Integrators and Cross-Industry Ecosystems: Self-Organizational Perspective/SAGE Open, 2021, 11(1)
- Tatyana Tolstykh, Leyla Gamidullaeva, Nadezhda Shmeleva, Maciej Woźniak and Sergey Vasin An Assessment of Regional Sustainability via the Maturity Level of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems//J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 5. Link.
- Tolstykh, T., Shmeleva, N., Gamidullaeva, L. Approach to the Formation of an Innovation Portfolio in Industrial Ecosystems Based on the Life Cycle Concept// J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 151. doi:10.3390/joitmc6040151
- Tolstykh, T., Shmeleva, N., Gamidullaeva, L.Elaboration of a Mechanism for Sustainable Enterprise Development in Innovation Ecosystems// J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6(4), 95. Link.
- Tolstykh, T., Shmeleva, N., Gamidullaeva, L. Evaluation of Circular and Integration Potentials of Innovation Ecosystems for Industrial Sustainability//Sustainability 2020, 12, 4574. doi:10.3390/su12114574.
- Tolstykh, T., Gamidullaeva, L., Shmeleva, N., Lapygin, Y. Regional development in Russia: An ecosystem approach to territorial sustainability assessment. Sustainability 2020, 12, 6424. doi:10.3390/su12166424
- Tatyana Tolstykh, Nadezhda Shmeleva, Yulia Vertakova and Vladimir Plotnikov. The Entropy Model for Sustainability Assessment in Industrial Ecosystems//Inventions 2020, 5, 54. doi:10.3390/inventions5040054
- Serebryakova, N.A., Tolstykh, T.O., Dorokhova, N.V., Solomatina, E., Isaenko, M.I. The effectiveness of using the innovational potential of a socio-economic system in Russia// International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 11(3), с.
178-189, 2018. - Serebryakova, N.A., Ovchinnikova, T.I., Bulgakova, I.N., Sviridova, S.V., Tolstykh, T.O. Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security// European Research Studies Journal, 20(3), с.
556-569, 2017.
Scientific supervision and teaching
Scientific supervisor of four successfully defended PhD and one doctoral theses.
2020 — present: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics — formation of an effective security system of an industrial enterprise.
2017 — present: NUST MISIS — management, organization theory and organizational behavior, corporate governance, fundamentals of entrepreneurship, project management, strategic management, marketing activities, enterprise activity planning, e-business.
Scientific and social activities
Member of dissertation councils: South-Western State University (Kursk) and NUST MISIS (Moscow), in 08.00.05 — Economics and national economy management.
Member of the editorial boards of the following journals: “Region: Systems, Economics, Management” (RANEPA, Voronezh), “Models, Systems, Networks in Economics, Technology, Nature and Society” (PSU, Penza), “Economics in Industry” (NUST MISIS).
Reviewer of MDPI journals.