Grigoriev Pavel Dmitrievich

Grigoriev Pavel Dmitrievich

Grigoriev Pavel Dmitrievich

Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies, senior researcher at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Research interests

Condensed matter physics: electronic properties of low-dimensional and strongly anisotropic conductors, magnetic quantum oscillations in metals, magnetoresistance (especially in strongly anisotropic conductors), charge- or spin-density waves, strongly interacting electronic systems and highly fermionic states, organic metals and superconductors, superconductivity against the background of charge/spin-density waves, high-temperature superconductors, liquid helium surface structure and surface quantum states of particles (electrons, ions, neutrons, clusters) in its vicinity.

Neutron spectroscopy devices: neuron beam focusing with the moving heterogeneous magnetic field. Neuron traps at the liquid helium surface.

Quantum calculations and quantum computer design: application of electronic and ionic related states at the liquid helium surface for the implementation of the quantum bit system.

Field of knowledge according to OECD

Condensed matter physics