Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ass. Professor
Research interests
Shape memory alloys (SMAs); titanium nickelide; thermomechanical treatment (TMT); severe plastic deformation (SPD); ageing; microstructure; martensitic transformations; structural and textural heredity; mechanical and functional characteristics and their reproducibility; medical and technical applications
Field of knowledge (according OECD)
02.05.QF Materials Science, Characterization &Testing; 02.09.QE Materials Science, Biomaterials; 02.06.IG Engineering, Biomedical; 02.10.NS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology.
Education Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute 1974
Scientific activity — year, organization (including foreign), position
National University of Science & Technology (MISIS), Moscow, Russia 1980 to present, Leading Researcher
PhD thesis 1987
Doctor. Tech. Sci thesis 2019
h-index Scopus 13
Number of articles, Scopus 47
Researcher ID A-3434-2014
Scopus Author ID 6602092348
The Scopus Hirsch Index 13, number of articles on Scopus 47
- State Task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FSME-2023-0006;
- State Task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 3013025 (2020−2022);
- State Task of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 11.1495.2017/PC
(2017–2019); - Federal Target Program No. 14.575.21.0094
(2014–2016); No. 11.519.11.2008(2011–2013); - Federal Target Program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia” for
2009–2013; - EZN 3017059
(2006–2008); - EZN 3017051
(2005–2007); - Agreement on scientific cooperation between NUST MISIS and the Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Montreal, Canada):
(2000-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2014, 2015–2020); - Agreement on the development and technology commercialization between NUST MISIS and GLOBETEK 2000 Pty. Ltd" (Melbourne, Australia) ‘‘Biomedical materials and bioengineering’’, within the framework of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program ‘‘Priority 2030’’ at NUST MISIS
- and others.
- E.P. Ryklina, K.A. Polyakova, S.R. Murygin, M.G. Isaenkova, M.M. Zaripova, V.A. Fesenko, V.S. Komarov, N.V. Andreev, N.N. Resnina, V.A. Andreev. On Textural Heredity of Ni-rich TiNi alloy: Specific Features of Transformation and Tensile Behavior. Shap. Mem. Superelasticity (2023) in press.
- Е.P. Ryklina, К.А. Polyakova, S.R. Murygin, V.S. Komarov, N.N. Resnina, V.А. Аndreev Role of structural heredity in control of functional and mechanical characteristics of ni-rich titanium nickelide, Phys. Metals Metallogr. 123 (12) (2022)
1226–1233. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X22700053. - E. Ryklina, K. Polyakova, S. Murygin, V. Komarov, V. Andreev, On stress- and strain-temperature behavior of titanium nickelide with various grain/subgrain size, Materials Letters, Volume 328, 2022, 133135, ISSN 0167-577X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2022.133135.
- Е.P. Ryklina, К.А. Polyakova, S.R. Murygin, V.S. Komarov, N.N. Resnina, V.А. Аndreev, Role of structural heredity in control of functional and mechanical characteristics of Ni-rich titanium nickelide, Phys. Metals Metallogr. 123 (12) (2022)
1226–1233. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X22700053. - E.P. Ryklina, K.A. Polyakova, N.N. Resnina, Role of Structural Heredity in Aging-Induced Microstructure and Transformation Behavior in Ni-rich Titanium Nickelide, Shap. Mem. Superelasticity (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40830-022-00378-x.
- Ryklina, E.P., Polyakova, K.A., Prokoshkin, S.D. Role of nickel content in one-way and two-way shape recovery in binary Ti-Ni alloys (2021) Metals, 11 (1), статья № 119, pp.
1-11) - E.P. Ryklina, K.A. Polyakova, N.Y. Tabachkova, N.N. Resnina, S.D. Prokoshkin, Effect of B2 austenite grain size and aging time on microstructure and transformation behavior of thermomechanically treated titanium nickelide, J. Alloys Compd. 764 (2018)
626-638. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.06.102. - K.A. Polyakova, E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, Effect of grain size and ageing-induced microstructure on functional characteristics of a Ti-50.7 at.% Ni alloy, Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 6 (1) (2020)
139-147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40830-020-00269-z. - Ryklina, E., Polyakova, K., Prokoshkin, S. Comparative Study of Shape Memory Effects in Ni-Rich Ti—Ni Alloy After Training in Various Phase States (2020) Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 6 (2), pp.
157-169 DOI: 10.1007/s40830-020-00279-x. - Polyakova-Vachiyan, K.A., Ryklina, E.P., Prokoshkin, S.D. Dependence of the functional characteristics of thermomechanically processed titanium nickelide on the size of the structural elements of austenite (2016) Physics of Metals and Metallography, 117 (8), pp.
817-827. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X16080123). - Polyakova, K.A., Ryklina, E.P., Prokoshkin, S.D. Effect of Grain Size and Ageing-Induced Microstructure on Functional Characteristics of a Ti-50.7 at.% Ni Alloy (2020) Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 6 (1), pp.
139-147) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40830-020-00269-z.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2608246 “Method of temperature-deformation impact on titanium-nickel alloys with a nickel content of
49–51 at.% with a shape memory effect.” E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, K.A. Vachiyan, A.Yu. Kreitzberg. - Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2635676 “Method of deformation-heat treatment for the formation of functional characteristics of a medical clipping device made of Ti-Ni alloy with shape memory.” A.V. Korotitsky, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2565823 “Method of suturing lacerated and incised wounds (eyelid) in emergency surgery and a device for its implementation.” M.G. Kataev, M.A. Zakharova, A.V. Korotitsky, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent No. 2432917 “A universal method for intraductal destruction of stones, unlocking the Dormia basket calculus strangulated in the bile ducts and the lithotriptor basket and a device for its implementation.” IN AND. Revyakin, V.S. Grinev, V.S. Prokushev, K.V. Vasilenko, E.P. Ryklina and A.V. Korotitsky.
- United States Patent No US 7955449 B2 “Process for inducing a two-way shape memory effect in a device formed of a shape memory alloy and a device made by the process”. S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, E.P. Ryklina.
- Patent WO 2013/095188 (2013) A1 “Method of surgical treatment of intestinal obstructions in narrow and large intestine and device for its realization”. E.P. Ryklina, M.V. Soutorine, S.D. Prokoshkin et al.
- Patent WO 2012/075532 A1 (2012) “Surgical Clip and Clip Manipulation Device Therefore”. M.V. Soutorine, A.N. Chernov-Haraev, S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent WO 2012/071620 A1 (2012) “Device for retrieving a body from a tubular structure”. M.V. Soutorine, A.N. Chernov-Haraev, S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent WO 2012/074426 (2010) A1 “Device for concrements extraction from tubular structures”. S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent WO 2012/078067 (2010) A1 “Method of a hemostasis creation with restoration possibility of вlood flow in tubular elastic structures of an organism and device for its realization”. S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- RF patent 2492824. “Device ‘Tral’ for the extraction of foreign bodies from tubular organs.” S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- RF patent 2485908. “A method for creating hemostasis with the possibility of restoring blood flow in the tubular elastic structures of the body and a device for its implementation. 06/27/2013. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- RF patent No. 2476619 “Method of processing titanium-nickel alloys with a nickel content of
49-51 at.% with a shape memory effect and a reversible shape memory effect (options)”. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya. - Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2502482 “Method of surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction of the small and large intestines and a device for its implementation.” 12/19/2011. E.P. Ryklina, V.M. Suturin, S.D. Prokoshkin et al.
- PCT/RU2012/000840; 18/10/2012. A method of surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction of the small and large intestines and a device for its implementation. E.P. Ryklin, V.M. Suturin, S.D. Prokoshkin et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2492824 “Trawl device for extracting foreign bodies from tubular organs.” S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2231339 “Method of surgical treatment of high complicated myopia and device for its implementation (options)”. E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, S.D. Prokoshkin et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2213529 “Method of clipping vessels, soft elastic tubular structures, tissue fixation and the Klest device for its implementation (variants)”. E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, R.V. Ipatkin.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2134558 “Device for extravasal correction of the function of the valves of the main veins.” S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2102016 “Device for extravasal correction of the function of the valves of the main veins”. S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2145488 “Device for extracting foreign bodies from hollow organs “Tral” (variants). S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2127613 “Bile duct dilator”. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- RF patent No. 2153863 “Prosthesis for endoprosthesis replacement of vessels and hollow organs and a device for its implantation (variants)” E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, I.Kh. Rabkin.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2147211 “Trap for the extraction of foreign bodies from hollow organs.” E.P. Ryklina and S.D. Prokoshkin
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2153856 “Device for extracting foreign bodies from hollow organs “Tral”. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2108764 “Delivery device and method for implantation of a spiral
X-ray endoprosthesis of human vessels and hollow organs.” E.P. Ryklina and S.D. Prokoshkin. - Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2127565. “Superelastic nitinol anti-embolic intravenous filter “Hourglass”. E.P. Ryklina, I.V. Maksimovich, V.V. Shebryakov and Yu.N. Bely 27. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2127566 “Superelastic nitinol cava filters “Flashlight” and “Spider”. 02/20/1996. E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, V.V. Shebryakov and Yu.N. Bely
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2127567 “Superelastic nitinol cava filter “Kaleidoscope”. E.P. Ryklina, S.D. Prokoshkin, P.A. Sychev et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2132653 dated 01/17/1996 “Device for imposing a suspended cholecystostomy”. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2132653 dated 01/17/1996 “Device for imposing a suspended cholecystostomy”. S.D. Prokoshkin, E.P. Ryklina, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2066148. “Tracheobronchial endoprosthesis” 10.09.1996. F. Astrakhantsev, G.P. Kochetova, E.P. Ryklina et al.
- Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2128966 “Method of extravasal correction of the function of the valves of the main veins”. A.P. Chadaev, A.Ts. Butkevich, S.D. Prokoshkin, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya and E.P. Ryklina.
K.A. Polyakova 2018.
S.R. Murygin (at present).
Supervisor/scientific consultant of qualifying works of bachelors, masters.