Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor at the Department of Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
- i.golovin@misis.ru
+7 495 955-01-34 - Krymsky Val 3, К-305
- Personal website
Research interests
Functional alloys, crystals, ultrafine grained metals, quasicrystals, hidamets, cellular metallic materials. Аnelasticity, mechanical spectroscopy, internal friction, neutron diffraction, magnetostriction, mechanisms of relaxation in solids. Phase transitions, ordering, decomposition.
Field of knowledge according to OECD
UK Physics, Condensed Matter.
2008 — present: professor at the Department of Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals, NUST MISIS.
2007: professor.
1999: doctor of physics and mathematics.
1997: associate professor.
1991: senior researcher.
1987: PhD in engineering.
1982: diploma in engineering (materials science and heat treatment of metals).
Professor I.S. Golovin is a leading expert in anelastic effects in solids and mechanical spectroscopy of metallic materials. He contributed to the studies of anelasticity in different functional alloys, including phase structures and phase transitions by combination of mechanical spectroscopy, in-situ neutron diffraction and other physical metallurgy techniques.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 36.
Number of articles on Scopus — 290.
ORCID: 0000-0001-
Scopus AuthorID: 7006821098.
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research: 14-03- 00165, 14-03- 00758, 15-08- 06765, 18-02- 00325, 18-02- 00398, 18-58- 5303, 218-58- 52007.
- Russian Science Foundation: 19-72- 20080, 18-12- 00283, 19-72- 20080.
- I.S. Golovin. “Anelasticity, internal friction and mechanical spectroscopy of metals materials”. Textbook, 2nd edition, updated and revised (4243). Publishing house of NUST MISIS, Moscow, 2020, 284 pp.
- Igor S. Golovin, Anatoly M. Balagurov. Structure Induced Anelasticity in Iron Intermetallic Compounds and Alloys.
- Materials Research Forum LLC, USA, 2018, 256 p.
- Blanter M.S., Golovin I.S., Neuhäuser H, Sinning H.-R. Internal Friction in Metallic Materials. A Handbook. Springer Verlag, 2007, p. 540.
- A. Leineweber, H. Becker, A. Boev, I.A. Bobrikov, A.M. Balagurov, I.S. Golovin. Fe13Ga9 intermetallic in bcc-base Fe-Ga alloy. Intermetallics 131 (2021) 107059.
- A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, E.N. Zanaeva, W.C. Cheng, V. Kulitckii, S. Divinski, G. Wilde, I.S. Golovin. The Fe-Ga phase diagram: Revisited. JALCOM 846 (2020) 156486.
- I.S. Golovin, A.M. Balagurov, I.A. Bobrikov, S.V. Sumnikov, A.K. Mohamed. Cooling rate as a tool of tailoring structure of Fe-(9-33%)Ga alloys. Intermetallics 114 (2019) 106610.
- Anatoly M. Balagurov, Ivan A. Bobrikov, Sergey V. Sumnikov, Igor S. Golovin. Antiphase domains or dispersed clusters? Neutron diffraction study of coherent atomic ordering in Fe3Al-type alloys. Acta Materialia 153 (2018)
45-52. - V.V. Palacheva, A. Emdadi, F. Emeis, I.A. Bobrikov, A.M. Balagurov, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde, I.S. Golovin. Phase transitions as a tool for tailoring magnetostriction in intrinsic Fe-Ga composites. Acta Materialia 130 (2017)
229-239. - I.S. Golovin, А.M. Balagurov, V.V. Palacheva, I.A. Bobrikov, V.B Zlokazov. In-situ neutron diffraction study of bulk phase transitions in Fe-27Ga alloys. Materials and Design, 98 (2016)
113-119. - S.V. Divinski, G. Reglitz, I.S. Golovin, M. Peterlechner, R. Lapovok, Yu. Estrin, G. Wilde. Effect of heat treatment on diffusion, internal friction, microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained nickel severely deformed by equal channel angular pressing. Acta Materialia 82 (2015)
T.V. Pozdova, PhD in engineering, 2002, “Relaxation and hysteresis effects in ordering Fe-Al alloys”.
Alexander Strahl, Ph.D. 2006, “Anelastische Relaxationen durch Punktdefekte und Versetzungen in Fe-Al-Legierungen” (thesis defended in Germany).
T.S. Pavlova, PhD in engineering, 2008, “Anelasticity of alloys based on Fe3Al intermetallics”.
V.V. Palacheva, PhD in engineering, 2019, “Effect of composition and heat treatment of Fe-Ga alloys on their structure and functional properties”.
A.K. Mohamed, PhD in engineering, 2021, “Designing the structure of cast Fe-Ga alloys by controlled cooling and annealing”.
L.Y. Sun, PhD in engineering, 2021, “Structural formation and martensitic transition behavior of Mn-Cu and Fe-Mn alloys”.
NUST MISIS. Courses:
- Mechanical spectroscopy of metallic materials (Russion/English).
- Heat treatment of metallic materials (English).
- Mechanical properties
- Defects of crystalline structure.
- Scientific and social activities.
- Editor of Journal of Alloys and Compounds (IF 4.65), member of the editorial board of Journals Solid State Phenomena.
- Chairman of the
19-th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy. 2022.
CV (English) (119.1 KB)