PhD in physics and mathematics, associate professor at the Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Semiconductor Physics, senior researcher
Research interests
Defects in semiconductor crystals; impurity diffusion in semiconductors.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
2.02 — electronics, electronic engineering, information technologies; 2.05 — materials engineering, materials science — multidisciplinary; materials science — characterization and testing.
1998 — present: associate professor, NUST MISIS.
Development of the method for determining ultra-small deviations from stoichiometry in A2B6 semiconductor compounds. Analysis of diffusion mechanisms of impurities in germanium. Radiation defects in silicon single crystals. Thermoacceptor effect in irradiated silicon.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 10.
Number of articles on Scopus — 41.
ORCID: 0000-0002-
ResearcherID: A-8646-2014.
Scopus AuthorID: 6603905742.
- Turutin A.V., Vidal J., Kubasov I., Kislyuk A. M.; Kiselev D.A., Malinkovich M., ParkhomenkoY., Kholkin A, Sobolev, N..Highly sensitive magnetic field sensor based on a metglas/bidomain lithium niobate composite shaped in form of a tuning fork. J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 486, 2019, 165209, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.04.061
- Kobeleva S.P., Anfimov I.M., Anfimov M.V.,Egorov D.S., Pushkov K.V., Schemerov I.V., Yurchuk S.Y. On using photoconductivity decay to determine Si free carrier recombination lifetime: Possibilities and challenges,IOP Conference Series^ Material Science and Engineering, V 474, 2019, 012011, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/474/1/012011
- Tran Khanh; E. Mozhevitina, A. Khomyakov; R. Avetisov, A. Davydov, V. Chegnov; V.Antonov; S. Kobeleva, N. Zhavoronkov, I.C. Avetissov, Nonstoichiometry and luminescent properties of ZnSe crystals grown from the melt at high pressures. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Том: 457, С
331-336 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.04.026 - Igor Avetissov, Khan Chang, Nikolai Zhavoronkov, Albert Davydov, Elena Mozhevitina, Andrew Khomyakov, Svetlana Kobeleva, Sergei Neustroev . Nonstoichiometry and luminescent properties of ZnSe crystals grown from melt and vapor . J Cryst. Growth, 2014 , V 401, sept., p.
686-690 - S. P. Kobeleva, I. M. Anfimov, S. Yu. Yurchuk, E. A. Vygovskaya, and B. V. Zhalnin. Influence of In0.56Ga0.44P/Ge Heterostruc ure on Diffusion of Phosphor in Germanium within the Formation of Multiple Solar Cells. TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Vol. 39 No. 1 2013.
- Belogorokhova LI; Belogorokhov AI; Gavrilov SA Timoshenko, VY Kashkarov, PK (Lisachenko, MG Kobeleva, SP .Enhanced photoluminescence and structural properties of porous silicon formed in hydrofluoric-hydrochloric solutions PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH Volume: 197 Issue: 1 Pages:
228-231 DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200306505 - Aminov, BA; B randt, NB Thuy, NM; Ponomarev, YG; Sudakova, MV; Kaul, AR; Graboi, IE; Tretiakov, YD; Wittig, J; Fisher, LM; Rosta, L Temperature-dependence of the critical current in yba2cu3o7-delta and bi2sr2ca1cu2o8 josephson-junction . PHYSICA
C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 160 Issue:5-6 Pages: 505-510 DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(89)90427-9. - A.V. Turutin, J.V. Vidal, I.V. Kubasov, A.M. Kislyuk, M.D. Malinkovich, Y.N. Parkhomenko, S.P. Kobeleva, O.V. Pakhomov, A.L. Kholkin, N.A. Sobolev. Magnetoelectric metglas / bidomain y+140°-cut lithium niobate composite for sensing fT magnetic fields. Appl. Phys. Lett. V112, (2018) 262906 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5038014
- Kobeleva S.P., Anfimov I.M., Yurchuc S.Yu. . Phosphorus and Gallium Diffusion in Ge Sublayer of In0.01Ga0.99As/In0.56Ga0.44P/Ge Heterostructures. Advanced Material and Device Applications with Germanium Chapter 3, p. 31 −44. IntechOpen, 2018. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.78347
- Vidal, João; Turutin, Andrei; Kubasov, Ilya; Kislyuk, Alexander; Malinkovich, Mikhail; Parkhomenko, Yurii; Kobeleva, Svetlana; Pakhomov, Oleg; Sobolev, Nikolai; Kholkin, Andrei. Low-frequency vibration energy harvesting with bidomain LiNbO3 single crystals. EEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency ControlVolume 66, Issue 9, September 2019, Номер статьи 8686147, Pages
“Framework for the certification of four-probe heads”, No. 121084, dated October 10, 2012, Russian Federation.
“Four-probe head”, No. 123173, dated December 20, 2012, Russian Federation.
“Integrated radiation detector cell based on a bipolar transistor with a mesh base”, No. 2427942, dated August 27, 2011, Russian federation.
Scientific supervision and teaching
I.V. Schemerov “Development and creation of a non-contact apparatus to measure semiconductor materials electrical parameters”, PhD in engineering, 2015.
2018 — present: NUST MISIS, “Physics of condensed state”, 54 hours.
2015 — present: NUST MISIS, “Device structures based on non-crystalline materials”, 51 hours.
Member of the editorial board of the “News of Universities. Materials of Electronic Engineering” journal.
2002 — present: member of the organizational committees of conferences with international participation on pending issues of physics, materials science, silicon technology and diagnostics, nanometre structures and devices based thereon.