Eckert Jürgen Hartmut

Doctor of engineering, research supervisor of NUST MISIS project “Smart metal/polymer structures for biomedical applications”, full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, professor, director at the Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria).

Research Interests

Metastable metallic systems; promising nanostructured high performance materials; amorphous alloys and composites based thereon; improvement of strength and other functional features of metallic composites.

Doctor of engineering, full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, research supervisor of project “Smart metal/polymer structures for biomedical applications”, director at the Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria), professor at the Department of Materials Science of the Mining University, Leoben (Austria)
Main Results of Scientific Work
Significant Research Projects, Grants
Significant Publications
Scientific supervision and teaching
Scientific and social activities