PhD in physics and mathematics, researcher at the NUST MISIS Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory
- kozliakova.es@misis.ru
- Ленинский проспект, д. 6, корпус 10, этаж 2, Т232, Т233, Т238, Т219, Т220, Т201
Research interests
Materials science, magnetism of materials, low dimensional and frustrated magnetism, spin liquids, superconductivity, crystal growth, ab initio calculations.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
Natural and exact sciences; 1.03 — Physics and astronomy; UI — Physics, multidisciplinary; UK — Physics, condensed matter; 1.04 — Chemical sciences; DY — Chemistry, multidisciplinary; EC — Chemistry, inorganic and nuclear.
2020 — present: researcher, NUST MISIS Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory.
2018 — present: researcher, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
2018: thesis defense — PhD in physics and mathematics.
2013: internship at the Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany).
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Materials Science: bachelor
- The features of magnetic ordering and the parameters of the ground quantum state of new, previously unexplored magnets were determined: FeTe1.5Se0.5Cl, TlFe(MoO4)2, Fe2O(SeO3)2, Fe7(PO4)6, CuNd2(CCl3COO)8⋅ 6MeCN, etc. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.214405, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b05122, 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.064413 and 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.02.146, 10.1002/zaac.202100013).
- A magnetic material with the record-breaking coercivity of up to 40 kOe was created based on substituted strontium hexaferrites: (DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2019.05.020, 10.3390/nano11040924, 10.1039/C7CC08675J).
- The magnetic and superconducting properties (their anisotropy) of tetragonal iron chalcogenides were refined by using high-quality single crystals for measurements (DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/28/4/045013 и 10.1088/0953-8984/26/43/436003).
- A technique was developed for the synthesis of high-quality single crystals of tetragonal iron tellurides and iron tellurides doped with sulfur and/or selenium (RF patent No. 2538740).
Scopus Hirsch Index — 5.
Number of articles on Scopus — 23.
SPIN RSCI: 2817- 9957.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9860- 8721.
ResearcherID: E-2942- 2015.
Scopus AuthorID: 55588920800.
Megagrant by resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, 2020-220-08-6358 “Functional quantum materials”
RSF Project “Hard-magnetic nanoparticles of highly substituted strontium hexaferrite for new generations of magnetic recording and wireless technologies”,
RSF Project “Exotic magnetic properties and spin dynamics of low dimensional and frustrated quantum magnets”,
Project manager RFBR_mol_a “Investigation of electronic properties of low-dimensional FeSe-based superconductors”,
- E. A. Gorbachev, E. S. Kozlyakova, L. A. Trusov, A. E. Sleptsova, M. A. Zykin, P. E. Kazin, Design of modern magnetic materials with giant coercivity / RUSS CHEM REV. — 2021. — Vol. 90, in press. DOI.
- E.S. Kozlyakova, A.V. Moskin, P.S. Berdonosov, V. V. Gapontsev, S. V. Streltsov, M. Uhlarz, S. Spachmann, A. ElGhandour, R. Klingeler, A. N. Vasiliev. Quasi-1D XY antiferromagnet Sr2Ni(SeO3)2Cl2 at Sakai-Takahashi phase diagram / Scientific Reports.— 2021. — Vol. 11, N. 15002.
- Kozlyakova E. S., Denisova K. N., Eliseev A. A., Moskin A. V., Akhrorov A. Y., Berdonosov P.S. , Dolgikh V.A., Rahaman B., Das S., Saha-Dasgupta T., Lemmens P., Vasiliev A. N., Volkova O. S. Short-range and long-range magnetic order in Fe(Te1.5Se0.5)O5Cl / Physical Review B. — 2020. — Vol. 102, N. 214405.
- Gorbachev E. A., Trusov L. A., Sleptsova A. E., Kozlyakova E. S., Alyabyeva L. N., Yegiyan S. R., Prokhorov A. S., Lebedev V. A., Roslyakov I. V., Vasiliev A. V., Kazin P. E. Hexaferrite materials displaying ultra-high coercivity and sub-terahertz ferromagnetic resonance frequencies / Materials Today. — 2020. — Vol. 32. — P.13-18.
- Sobolev A. V. Aslandukova A. A., Kozlyakova E. S., Kuznetsova E. S., Akhrorov A. Yu., Berdonosov P. S., Glazkova I. S., Volkova O. S., Vasiliev A. N., Presniakov I. A. Magnetic hyperfine interactions in a sawtooth chain iron oxoselenite Fe2O(SeO3)2: Experimental and theoretical Investigation / Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2020. — Vol. 822. — P. 153549.
- Gnezdilov V.P., Pashkevich Yu G., Kurnosov V.S., Zhuravlev O.V., Wulferding D., Lemmens P., Menzel D., Kozlyakova E.S., Akhrorov A.Yu, Kuznetsova E.S., Berdonosov P.S., Dolgikh V.A., Volkova O.S., Vasiliev A.N. Flat-band spin dynamics and phonon anomalies of the saw-tooth spin-chain system Fe2O(SeO3)2 // Physical Review B. — 2019. — Vol. 99, N. 064413 — P.
1-9. - Zybtsev S. G., Pokrovskii V. Ya., Nasretdinova V. F., Zaitsev-Zotov S. V., Pryadun V. V., Kozlyakova E. S., Volkova O. S., Vasiliev A. N., Pai Woei Wu, Starešinić D. Thermoelectric power and its correlation with conductivity in NbS3 whiskers // Physical Review B. — 2019. — — Vol. 99, N. 235155.
- Kozlyakova E., Danilovich I., Volkov A., Zakharov K., Dimitrova O., Belokoneva E., Shvanskaya L., Zvereva E., Chareev D., Volkova O., Vasiliev A. Tuning of physical properties of Fe7(PO4)6 by sodium intercalation // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2018 — Vol. 744. — P.
600-605. - Sobolev A.V., Kozlyakova E.S., Glazkova I.S., Morozov V., Ovchenkov E.A., Volkova O.S., Vasiliev A.N., Ovanesyan N.S., Kadyrova Yu.M., Khaikina E.G., Molla K., Rahaman B., Saha-Dasgupta T., Kamusella S., Klauss H-H., Presniakov I.A. Thermodynamic Properties, Mössbauer Study and First Principles Calculations of TlFe(MoO4)2 // Journal of Physical Chemistry C — 2018 — Vol.122, № 34. — P.
19746–19755. - Trusov Lev A., Gorbachev Evgeny A., Lebedev Vasily A., Sleptsova Anastasia E., Roslyakov Ilya V., Kozlyakova Ekaterina, Vasiliev Alexander V., Dinnebier Robert E., Jansen Martin, Kazin Pavel E. Ca-Al double substituted strontium hexaferrites with giant coercivity // Chemical Communications — 2018 — Vol. 54, № 5. — P.
479-482. Link. DOI:10.1039/C7CC08675J.
Method for the synthesis of high-quality single crystals of tetragonal iron tellurides and iron tellurides doped with sulfur and/or selenium (patent). Authors: O.S. Volkova, D.A. Chareev, E.S. Kozlyakova, number: 2538740RU, country: Russian Federation. Patent publication date: January 10, 2015.
Supervision over course, master’s degree and bachelor’s degree papers of students of the Faculty of Materials Science and Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
She is a freelance editor at the N+1 publication (nplus1.ru), and the Schroedinger Cat publication.