Doctor of Engineering, Professor at the Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Semiconductor Physics
- yakimov.eb@misis.ru
+7 499 237-21-29 - ул.Крымский вал, д.3, стр. 1, оф. К-500
Research Interests
Semiconductors, physics of defects, scanning electron microscopy.
Field of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
1.03 — physics; condensed matter (UK).
The approach for the diffusion length measurement in wide-band semiconductors was developed.
The approach for the prediction of beta-element parameters was developed.
It was shown that the recombination-enhanced dislocation glide is observed in 4H-SiC even at the liquid nitrogen temperature.
Scopus Hirsch Index — 23.
Number of articles on Scopus — 360.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8100- 879X.
Scopus AuthorID: 57191388559.
- Effect of low energy electron beam irradiation on electrical and optical properties of wide-band semiconductor materials and structures, RFBR,
2018-2020. - The experimental study of electron beam irradiation effect on the parameters of GaN-based light emitting structures and investigations of recombination-enhanced dislocation glide in GaN and 4H-SiC were carried out.
- Methodical bases for the creation of nanostructured materials for energy-efficient conversion of beta radiation into electric current (RFBR,
2014-2016) were developed.- The approach for the prediction of beta-element parameters was developed.
- E.B. Yakimov. What is the real value of diffusion length in GaN. J. Alloys Compd 627 (2015)
344–351. - E. B. Yakimov, P.S. Vergeles, A.Y. Polyakov, In-Hwan Lee, and S.J. Pearton. Movement of basal plane dislocations in GaN during electron beam Irradiation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 132101 (2015).
- E.B. Yakimov. Prediction of betavoltaic battery output parameters based on SEM measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 112 (2016)
98–102 - V.I. Orlov, G. Regula, E.B. Yakimov. Low temperature stacking fault nucleation and expansion from stress concentrators in 4H-SiC. Acta Materialia, 139,
155-162, 2017. - E.B. Yakimov, A.Y. Polyakov, In-Hwan Lee, and S.J. Pearton. Recombination properties of dislocations in GaN. J. Appl. Phys. 123, 161543, 2018.
- E.B. Yakimov, A.Y. Polyakov, N.B. Smirnov, I.V. Shchemerov, J. Yang, F. Ren, G. Yang, J. Kim, S. J. Pearton. Diffusion length of non-equilibrium minority charge carriers in b-Ga2O3 measured by electron beam induced current. J. Appl. Phys. 123, 185704 (2018)
- P.S. Vergeles, V.I. Orlov, A.Y. Polyakov, E.B. Yakimov, Taehwan Kim, In-Hwan Lee. Recombination and optical properties of dislocations gliding at room temperature in GaN under applied stress. J. Alloys .Compd 776 (2019)
181-186. - O.V. Feklisova, E. E. Yakimov, and E.B. Yakimov. Study of single-layer stacking faults in 4H—SiC by deep level transient spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 172101, 2020.
- E.E. Yakimov, E.B. Yakimov. Radiation-enhanced dislocation glide in 4H-SiC at low temperatures. J. Alloys Compd 837 (2020) 155470.
- E.B. Yakimov, A. Y. Polyakov, I. V. Shchemerov, N. B. Smirnov, A. A. Vasilev, P. S. Vergeles, E. E. Yakimov, A. V. Chernykh, A. S. Shikoh, F. Ren, and S. J. Pearton. Photosensitivity of Ga2O3 Schottky diodes: Effects of deep acceptor traps present before and after neutron irradiation. APL Mater. 8, 111105 (2020).