Leonov Artur

Leonov Artur

Leonov Artur

Agile Coach, Assistant

Artur Nikolaevich Leonov started his scientific career in the late 90s at the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dealing with the theory of information transfer in biological systems. Then he devoted more than 20 years to IT. Passed all roles, from developer to project director. Launched the first e-butick in Russia. Engaged in product development in Western companies. Managed projects at the federal level, worked with the financial sector, telecoms and retail. Participated in the digitalization project of the Government of the Russian Federation and various ministries and departments. In 2017, he presented Russian projects at a conference organized by the UN (UNIDO.org). Since 2010, he has been an active practitioner of Agility methodologies. Agile family methods implementation expert (XP, SCRUM, LeSS, Kanban). Also an expert of work as a product owner, developer, scrum master. Agile-Certified: Agile Professional (AcAgile), Kanban Professional (KMP).

He began to cooperate with MISiS in 2018 at the CSMK Master’s program “Corporate management at enterprises of the mining complex”.

Since 2020, an employee of the MISiS department of the MIVT.

Teaches disciplines: Leadership and project team management and the course Applied data science in digital projects, english (Department of APD), Methodology of software development (Department of ACS).

Since 2021, he has been teaching an elective course for graduate students and undergraduates at the Neuroleadership in IT Club.