The “Ferrous Metals” Journal Is Included in Scopus

On March 25, 2017, by decision of the expert committee of the CSAB global citation index Scopus, the scientific-technical journal “Ferrous Metals” (Chernye Metally) is now included in the world`s largest abstract database. In its conclusion, the expert committee noted the excellent quality of the journal’s published materials.

The journal “Ferrous Metals” is the only Russian-language publication dedicated to ferrous metallurgy included in the Scopus index. It is also the only journal in its original language on the subject, without the use of “translated versions”.

The journal’s entrance into this prestigious citation index became possible due to the hard and consolidated work of expert metallurgists, NUST MISIS scientists and professors, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, specialists of other specialized organizations, and the editorial board of the “Ferrous Metals” journal, published by “Ore & Metals” Publishing house.

Currently, there are 7 publications from “Ore & Metals” included in the Scopus database. These are the Russian-language journals: “Ferrous Metals” (Chernye Metally), “Mining Journal” (GornyiZhurnal), “Mineral Processing” (Obogashchenie Rud), and “Non-Ferrous Metals” (TsvetnyeMetally), as well as three English-language journals: Eurasian Mining, Non-Ferrous Metals, and CIS Iron and Steel Review.