NUST MISIS Improves Its Positions in QS BRICS Ranking

According to the QS BRICS-2019 Ranking, NUST MISIS has improved by 7 spots, now sitting at 54th among 403 universities participating in the ranking. NUST MISIS has also entered the top 14% of the best universities from the BRICS countries. Over the five years of participating in this ranking, NUST MISIS has shown incredible growth, rising 44 spots since 2014.

According to the new ranking’s results, NUST MISIS has shown growth in five indicators out of eight, strengthening its positions in the “Academic reputation” indicator (from 108th to 99th), the “Papers per faculty” indicator (from 162nd to 136th), and entering the 251+ group in the “Citations per paper” indicator.

According to Professor Joseph Shinar of Iowa State University, a member of the NUST MISIS International Scientific Advisory Council: “Certainly, one of the major factors is drastically improved publication record, a lot more publications in high-profiled journals. What you see in recent years is that there are more and more papers that are clearly work, done in NUST MISIS, led by NUST MISIS. That’s very important, that captures the attention, that results in increasing rankings. And I think, it’s also important to emphasize that this improved ranking in BRICS category is very significant. It`s not an easy competition, it’s actually a very strong competition. And in spite of having this very strong competition, the rankings of NUST MISIS have grown up very highly, very quickly within this block. This is very impressive”.

NUST MISIS has shown the highest growth in the “International students” indicator, scoring the maximum 100 out of 100 points and taking 6th place in the overall ranking—as well as taking 1st place among Russian universities for the first time. NUST MISIS has also significantly strengthened its positions in the “Employer reputation” indicator, rising 15 positions in just a year — from 62nd to 47th.

“Strengthening our cooperation with the business community is one of the key areas of NUST MISIS`s activities. We actively cooperate with our employers in every important area for the University: research, innovation, and the development and implementation of academic programs. Leading companies like OMK, Metalloinvest, Norilsk Nickel, Alrosa, Evraz, EuroChem, KarakanInvest, NLMK, etc. are among our key partners. Thanks to this systematic work, NUST MISIS regularly [improves] its positions in the world`s leading educational rankings in terms of indicators that assess interaction with the business community”, said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS.