Reincarnation of Plastic: Recycling of Household Waste at Home and a Printer that Prints Details for Itself to be Presented at Maker Faire Moscow 2018

On September 8th and 9th, 2018, Maker Faire Moscow 2018, the largest international festival where the latest technologies and traditional crafts meet, will be held in Gorky Park through the support of the Garage Museum. The organizer, the NUST MISIS FabLab, will present a series of hand-assembled machines for recycling and re-using plastic, a nettle 3D printing, and a unique 3D printer called Mothra that can print details for itself.

Maker Faire Moscow is a festival for people who make, those who literally creating something out of nothing. These makers help initiate new design trends in various industries, educate and develop cities, organize innovative startups and experimental labs, and push the boundaries of technology and art. Yet, anyone can become a “maker”; you just need the desire to create things with your own hands using traditional or modern tools.

Ecology is one of the most important trends of modern makers. The industry of processing synthetic waste is particularly relevant now and in demand in various industries. Obtaining inexpensive and practical raw materials at low cost is the main motivation for the companies in this market. Only the wider use of recycling technology can be a worthy solution to the problem of disposing “polymer waste”.

The micro-line for the processing of household plastic will be presented at Moscow Maker Faire. The metallic shredder assembled at the NUST MISIS FabLab crushes plastic bottles (and other plastic waste) into flakes. Plastic flakes are raw materials that can be used in other machines. The small plastic products (injection molding method) can be casted in an injection machine. Plates and completely plastic items (compression molding) can be made in compression machines too. A plastic rod is obtained during the sintering of flakes in the extruder and a filament (raw material) for 3D printing can also be obtained when using post-processing.

One kilogram of PET-plastic is about 50 plastic bottles of soda. However, the innovative shredder is able to turn them into flakes in just 10 minutes. For comparison, 25 recycled PET bottles are typically required to make one sweater.

The festival program is designed for visitors of all ages and does not require additional training — everyone will be able to find a thematic area of interest, listen to Russian and international lecturers, see presentations of new products, or show off their own inventions. Throughout the weekend, more than 200 participants, “makers”, will demonstrate their achievements and reveal the secrets of their skills.

The festival program includes a demonstration of large 3D printers and mechatronic dinosaurs, authors’ electronics and robotics, classes teaching the traditional craft of blacksmiths and jewelers, media artists and works of digital art, smart urban agricultural technologies, scientific shows, rocket launchings, experiments with smart light, and much more.