Developments for Arctic are Among NUST MISIS`s Priority Areas

From March 28th to 30th, the International Arctic Forum “Arctic: Territory of Dialogue” was held in Arkhangelsk. The Forum is one of the main 4 economic forums in Russia, as well as the largest platform for joint discussion with international partners of current issues and prospects of development in the Arctic region. The central theme of the 2017 Forum was “People and the Arctic”.

Alexander Myaskov represented NUST MISIS at the Forum and delivered a speech during „The Arctic: Territory of Ecology” session. Representatives of the industry`s leading companies, including a few of NUST MISIS`s business partners — Norilsk Nickel, SUEK — joined ecologists and representatives of the Federal and regional authorities to discuss the issues of preservation and protection of the Arctic`s natural environment, which have been put under considerable stress due to the considerable development of extractive industries in the region. The environmental topic was, and most likely will remain, the key for the region`s development.

„We have identified a number of promising directions of studies where NUST MISIS can actively participate. Among them are the extraction and development of the Arctic’s mineral resources, the creation of new alloys and materials, and forecasting and mechanisms to deal with environmental damage. We have reached a preliminary agreement to open a specialized research center with the Arctic mining company that develops rare chambers of anthracites on Taymyr Peninsula”, — noted Alexander Myaskov, Director of NUST MISIS College of Mining.

NUST MISIS already has a number of developments that are planned to be used in Arctic studies and capable of improving the region’s environmental situation. These developments have been highly appraised by the business community and government-owned enterprises.

In 2016, NUST MISIS scientists announced the creation of a new type of powerful and permanent magnet that retains its properties under extreme temperatures, a feature required for working in outer space and the Arctic. The modern period of the Extreme North and Arctic’s active economic development requires the development of special instrumentation which takes the region`s harsh natural conditions into account. Permanent magnets are one of the most important instruments of nodes in transportation systems, electrical engineering, radio engineering, automatics, electro mechanics, and aerospace vehicles. Functional properties of permanent magnets depend on the maximum working temperature, after which the magnet may be demagnetized and completely lose its properties.

Another key development of NUST MISIS scientists is the protective suit for working under extreme conditions (at high and low temperatures) with liquidators for emergency situations and technogenic catastrophes. The suit has already been taken into service by EMERCOM of Russia. Thanks to unique properties of the material used for its manufacture, the suit can withstand temperatures up to 600°С and also resist freezing temperatures up to —60°С, which makes it a good match for work in Arctic conditions.

On request of one of the world`s largest steel companies — PAO SEVERSTAL — NUST MISIS is developing a new corrosion-resistant steel grade with improved mechanical properties — „SeverСorr”. The new steel will significantly reduce environmental risks and operating costs for oil production in Western Siberia.

According to Alexander Myaskov, „leading universities, which train subject matter specialists who will be able to continue our dialogue today in 20-30 years, should be attracted to participate in the Forum”.