Corporate Energy Resource Management

The program focuses on training experts in the field of development, implementation and support of energy management systems. The students study technologies and mechanisms for energy resources efficient management, business audit and implementation of comprehensive IT-technologies at enterprises of any profile. Our graduates are employed in any industrial field, from electrical energy management to mining.

4 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of Mining

Major # 13.03.02
Power & Electrical Engineering

Admission for International Students

Via e-mail:

Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building).

International Students Service +7 499 230-24-09


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Alexander Valentinovich Lyakhomsky

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department

+7 499 230-23-35

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Anton Borisovich Petrochenkov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Mining Industry

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Leonid Plashchansky

Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Mining Industry

+7 499 230-23-35

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Evgeniya Perfilieva

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Mining Industry

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Sergey Nikolaevich Reshetnyak

PhD in engineering, associate professor at the Department of Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Mining Industry

+7 499 230-24-07


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