Supply Chain Management in the Digital Economy

Modern technologies generate new challenges to business as applied to the automation of business processes and systems, especially in logistics. Students focus on innovation approaches to supply management, and learn to make decisions in the environment of the digital economy shaping up. Our graduates become managers and consultants in Russian and foreign companies, put in place comprehensive projects on business process digital transformation and implement efficient logistic systems.

4 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of Economics & Management

Major # 38.03.02

Admission for International Students

Via e-mail:

Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building).

International Students Service +7 499 230-24-09


Oleg Igorevich Kalinskiy

Doctor of economics, professor at the Department of Economics, director of the Roments College of Economics & Industrial Management, NUST MISIS

+7 499 237-16-14

Evgeniy Suslov

Practical teacher


Other programs

Financial Management

This program is focused on a deep study of financial and economic relationships, methods, mechanisms, instruments and technologies of financial and economic system functioning in digital economy. Students study algorithms of business capital formation including the implementation of new industrial technologies; learn financial management on national and global levels, and study innovative activities.