The procedure of conducting the final state attestation of higher educational postgraduate academic staff programs is governed by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2016 No. 227.
The final state attestation may be implemented in one of the following forms:
- state examination, and
- scholarly paper containing the key insights of the qualifying research paper (dissertation).
The timing for the final state attestation is established in accordance with the curriculum and calendar schedule of the relevant postgraduate program.
Passing the final state attestation forms the ground for issuing the education and qualification certificate to the student in the form approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The requirements for admitting postgraduates to the final state attestation are listed below:
- executed opinion of the department regarding admission to the final state attestation and feedback of the postgraduate’s academic advisor;
- qualifying research paper (dissertation) meeting the requirements of the Regulation on Awarding Academic Degrees of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles;
- scholarly paper (dissertation abstract) meeting the requirements of the Regulation on Conducting the Final State Attestation in NUST MISiS;
- articles published in peer-reviewed journals on the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (two — for technical sciences and three — for economic sciences);
- check-up for the volume of non-original text (the minimum original text is 75%), and
- reviews for the qualifying research paper (dissertation) in line with the Regulation on Conducting the Final State Attestation in NUST MISiS (at least one external and one internal reviews).
The state examination boards (SEB) are constituted as follows:
The chairman of the state examination board (not employed by this organization and having an doctoral degree in the selected field of postgraduate studies) is approved no later than December 31 of the year preceding the year of conducting the final state attestation.
State examination boards are set up for each major and field of study, or for each educational programs, or for a number of majors and fields of study, or for a number of educational programs. Employers are represented by at least 50% of the state examination board (including the chairman).
The procedure of conducting the final state postgraduate attestation is as follows:
- No later than 30 calendar days before the first state attestation, the rector issues an order to approve the schedule of state attestations indicating the dates, time and venue of such attestations and pre-examination consultations. In generating the schedule, an interval between state attestations of at least 7 calendar days is set up. Prior to taking the final examination, students are advised on any questions addressed in the state exam program.
- The state examination is held pursuant to the recommended lists of questions (including general disciplines). Postgraduates take the state examination at the meeting of the state examination board. The protocol is completed for each postgraduate student who has passed the state examination. Such protocol is signed by those members of the state examination board who were present at the meeting.
- At least two weeks prior to defending a scholarly paper, the manuscript of the qualifying research paper (dissertation) shall be furnished to the reviewer and the issuing department.
- The postgraduate’s qualifying research paper (dissertation) is subject to the internal and external review by the leading specialist of the relevant profession. The lead instructors, research scholars, scientists and other persons whose professional activity is linked to the topic of the qualifying research paper may act as reviewers. Representatives of third-party organizations are treated as external reviewers.
- A reviewer shall read the full text of the manuscript of the qualifying research paper (dissertation). No later than two days prior to defending a scholarly paper, a reviewer provides the postgraduate with a detailed feedback in writing containing a comprehensive description of the topicality of the theme, key issues covered by the qualifying research paper, its theoretical and practical significance and a thorough characteristic of the work with an indication of its strengths and weaknesses. In his/her opinion, the reviewer reflects his/her point of view regarding the general level of the qualifying research paper.
- No later than 10 days prior to presenting the scholarly paper about the key insights of the qualifying research paper (dissertation), the latter shall be necessarily posted in the University’s electronic library system and checked for the volume of non-original text. A permit for posting the dissertation, its separate sections or annotation shall be executed in writing and signed by the postgraduate student.
- The qualifying research paper (dissertation), feedback of the academic advisor, reviews, certificate on passing the qualifying examinations for a candidate degree, list of published and deemed published scholarly papers, academic portfolio of the postgraduate student are provided to the state examination board no later than two calendar days prior to presenting the relevant scholarly paper on the key insights of the qualifying research paper (dissertation).
- The scholarly paper is presented at a joint meeting of the issuing department and the state examination board.
- A protocol is completed for each postgraduate student who has presented his/her scholarly paper. The protocol normally contains the opinions of members of the state examination boards regarding the qualifying research paper (dissertation), level of maturity of competencies, knowledge and skills revealed during the final state attestation, list of questions asked, characteristic of responses thereto and minority reports. Such protocol is signed by those members of the state examination board who were present at the meeting.
- Postgraduates who have passed the final state attestation under postgraduate academic staff programs are issued a postgraduate diploma and awarded the qualification of researcher and research instructor. The form of diploma is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.