NUST MISIS Opens Lab to Develop Anti-radiation Coatings & Catalysts for Gas Processing

NUST MISIS allocates 120 million rubles to open two new laboratories within the Academic Excellence Program among Russian universities “5-100.” The winning laboratories will deal with developments in the field of new materials. Research teams will be led by Professor Akihisa Inoue (University Educational Corporation “Josiah”, Japan) and by Professor Leonid Kustov (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russia).

NUST MISIS for the second year in a row invites an open international competitive tender to establish new laboratories. According to 2014 contest results, the university has opened 3 new laboratories, which have already received the International Scientific Advisory Council`s approval and support.

Among the 2015 winners there are two projects in the field of study and application of new materials. This is one of the priority areas for NUST MISIS.

Professor Akihisia Inoue from University Educational Corporation “Josiah” will manage the project on development of amorphous and nano-crystalline iron-based alloys for use as magnetic, structural, and anti-radiation materials and coatings.

To implement the project it will be created a new laboratory with the goal to get new non-equilibrium functional materials and coatings on the basis of iron to extend the scope of their application as magnetic cores, hard coatings and anti-radiation materials.

The second project is structured nano-scale catalysts and adsorbents for complex processing of natural and associated biogas which is managed by Doctor of Chemistry and Professor at Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Kustov.

The laboratory led by Leonid Kustov will develop a new generation of cheap, re-using structured catalytic and adsorption nano-engineering materials for complex processing of natural and associated with a significant decrease in the biogases content of precious metals or their complete exclusion.

Both projects are designed for two years with the possibility of further extension for performance.

Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS has said: “Materials Science is traditionally one of the main activities of the university. Currently, MIS&S is the leader in this industry among Russian universities. Many of the leading university scientific centers headed by world-leading scientists are specialized in Material Science: laboratory of Inorganic Nanomaterials, research center of Structural Ceramic Nanomaterials, laboratory of Hybrid Nanostructured Materials, laboratory of Modeling and Development of New Materials and many others. I am sure that the activities of the new laboratories will be equally successful.”