Five NUST MISIS Developments Receive Gold Medals at “Archimedes” Salon

Five NUST MISIS Developments Receive Gold Medals at “Archimedes” Salon

All five NUST MISIS developments presented at the XXth Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes” received gold medals. NUST MISIS was also awarded one of Salon’s most prestigious prizes —The Cup “For active work on the development of invention and rationalization activities in the Region”. The Cup symbolizes the recognition of the high level, scientifically-important, and innovative developments of the University, as well as the University’s successful management of its intellectual activity.

The Association „The Russian House for International Scientific-Technical Collaboration”, founded by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, awarded NUST MISIS a special prize — a gold medal — for the best variety of innovative developments presented at the Salon.

The fruitful inventive activity of Dmitry Moskovskikh, a young NUST MISIS scientist, was honored with a special prize of the Association of Inventors of the Peoples Republic of China (Taiwan).

According to Salon`s results, NUST MISIS was one of the few organizations that had all of its exhibited developments awarded „Archimedes-2017” gold medals:

1. „Heat-resistant fabric of polymeric fibers and the fabrics made of it”. Authors: Tarasov V.P., Krivolapova O. N., Kozlov I.G., Ivanyus N.V., Borodin S.V.

2. „Structural cryogenic austenitic high-strength corrosion-resistant (including bioactive environments) weldable steel and the method of its production”. Authors: Filonov М.R., Bazhenov V.Е., Glebov А.G., Kaputkina L.М., Kaputkin D.Е., Kin-Dop V.E., Svyazhin А.G., Smarygina I.V., Blinova Е.V.

3. „Endoscopic device for ballooning and stenting of the narrowing of intestine” (joint project of NUST MISIS and the Australian company Endogene-Globetek). Authors: Prokoshkin S.D, Khmelevskaya I.Y., Ryklina Е.P, Korotitskiy А.V., Chernov-Kharaev А.N., Suturin М.V., Suturin V.V.

4. „Method of iron-cast production by the process of liquid-phase recovery Romelt”. Authors: Romenec V.А., Valavin V.S., Pokhvisnev Y.V.,Makeev S.А., Zaycev А.К., Simakova N.V., Fedorova А.А.

5. „Nanocomposite electrocontact material and the method of its production”. Authors: Mukasyan А.S., Moskovskikh D.О., Rogachev А.S., Vadchenko S.G., Kuskov К.V., Shvodich N.F.

The „Heat-resistant fabric of polymeric fibers and the fabrics made of it” and „Structural cryogenic austenitic high-strength corrosion-resistant (including bioactive environments) weldable steel and the method of its production” developments were awarded honorary diplomas of both the EMERCOM of Russia, for „The best invention in the interests of protection, rescue, and safety of the person,” and of the Russian Railways and NIIAS for „The best invention in the field of metallurgy”.

The successful work of Tatyana Raikova—the head of NUST MISIS’s Intellectual Property Department—on the international jury and organizing committee of the Salon earned a special commendation diploma.

„Archimedes” Salon is held through the support of the Russian Federation Administration, the Moscow Government, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the International Federation of Inventors` Associations, and the All-Russian Association of Inventors & Innovators.

2017 Salon attracted more than 400 scientific organizations and industrial enterprises from more than 50 Russian regions and 25 foreign countries, and about 900 developments were presented.