NUST MISIS Inventions Awarded Two Gold Medals at iENA-2017

NUST MISIS took part at the 69th International Trade Fair “Ideas — Inventions — New Products —2017”, which was held from November 2nd — 5th, 2017, in Nuremberg (Germany). iENA is one of the world`s oldest major exhibitions of inventions and innovations, annually demonstrating the latest achievements in different areas of science & technology and contributing to the scientific, technological, and industrial exchanges at an international level.

All three inventions selected by NUST MISIS’s international committee for participation in the exhibition won medals and awards.

“Structural cryogenic austenitic high-strength, corrosion-resistant weldable steel and the method of its processing” (authors: Svyazhin A., Kaputkina L., Kindop V., Filonov M., Glebov A., Bazhenov V., Kaputkin D., Smarygina I.) received an iENA — 2017 gold medal, as well as a diploma fromthe Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), and a special prize from the Portugal Association of Inventors. Kaputkina L. even received a diploma from the Women`s Inventors Association NOVA Bosnia and Herzegovina for successful innovative and inventive activities.

“Converter of ionizing radiation with reticulated three-dimensional structure and the method of its production” (authors: Murashev V., Legotin S., Krasnov A., Didenko S., Kuz`mina K., Sineva M.) was awarded with a gold medal at iENA — 2017, as well as the medal of the Russian House for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation.

“Method of iron production by Romelt liquid-phase recovery process” (authors: Romenets V., Valavin V., Pokhvisnev Y., Makeev S., Zaycev A., Simakova N., Fyodorova A.) wonthe China Association of Inventions’ gold medal in the “Best development presented at iENA — 2017” nomination. The technology also took home a diploma from the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) for a great contribution to the development of scientific-technical and art & design creativity.

More than 800 developments from 30 countries were presented at the exhibition. The Russian cohort, consisting of 16 leading universities and innovative research and production enterprises, represented 48 innovative developments.

The iENA annual exhibition is held under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Education & Research and the Bavarian State Government, as well as through the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the International Federation of Inventors` Associations, and the Association of European Inventors.