NUST MISIS English-taught Master`s Degree Program Becomes more Accessible

The number of state-funded spots in NUST MISIS’s Communications and International Public Relations program, which is taught entirely in English, has been doubled. Earlier in the 2017-2018 academic year there were only 5 state-funded spots, but in the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year there will be 10.

Additionally, the format of the entrance exam has also been changed: from 2018 onward it will be held in oral form. Applicants will be asked questions about “Introduction to the theory of intercultural communication”. International applicants will have their exams through Skype. A written exam in essay form is no longer a requirement.

The educational program is designed to train specialists in the field of communications and international public relations in science and technologies. During their studies, both international and Russian students will acquire skills in effective international communications, gain experience doing project activities in international teams, do research, and develop communication strategies through organizational and managerial activities.