NUST MISIS Maintains Its Standings in THE World University Rankings

NUST MISIS earned a spot in the 601-800 range in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings edition, maintaining its global standings over the past year. The university has traditionally received the highest scores for International Outlook and Industry Income. In the Russian national table, NUST MISIS has ended up in the 9-14 group. The overall number of Russian universities featured in the rankings has gone up to 60 from 48 last year.

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 include the record number of 2112 universities (1527 institutions in 2021). Even with the league table expanding to include more universities globally, NUST MISIS has not only retained its position in the 601-800 band, but also climbed up within the band.

NUST MISIS has improved in all the five indicators that Times Higher Education uses to compile the ranking. The biggest improvement has happened in the Citations category, where the university has achieved a score of 39,6 in contrast to 31,9 last year. This improvement is a credit to the hard work the university has done to establish itself as a leading research-intense academic institution. Since 2013, the number of publications by this university’s scientists in Web of Science -indexed journals has increased six times, their average citation index has increased 14 times. The number of research areas in which NUST MISIS is represented in Q1 and Q2 journals has grown from six to 32.

NUST MISIS has scored 87,6 points out of 100 in Industry Income. The university has endeavored to broaden cooperation with industry, with focus on the R&D commercialization.

NUST MISIS has also improved in Teaching and Research scoring 27,7 and 19,2 points respectfully (25,8 and 19,1 points last year).

The university has received 67,9 points in Internationalization. NUST MISIS has been consistently working to attract international students. Today, foreign students from 84 countries make 25% of the university’s student population.

NUST MISIS has also improved its overall score by nearly 10% (33,23 points in contrast to 30,33 points last year).

The THE World University Rankings is one of the world’s most authoritative sources of information about higher education. The 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators are used to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons across teaching, research, international outlook, citations, and industry income.

See the full THE World University Rankings results here.