Area of scientific interests
Environmental economics; economic features of preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems in industrial regions; mining ecology; development of normative and methodological support for subsoil use in the system of the mineral resource complex; development of a system of specially protected natural areas.
Area of knowledge according to the OECD classifier
05/01/JA Environmental sciences; 01.06.BD Biodiversity conservation; 01.06.GU Ecology; 02.07.Ih Engineering, Environmental; 02.07.ZQ Mining & Mineral processing; 02/05/GY Economics; 05.02.PC Management; 07/05/JB Environmental studies.
Professor of the Department of Mining Safety and Ecology at MISIS University, Head of the Center for Strategic Management and Commodity Market Conditions, Member of the Presidium of the Academy of Mining Sciences, Member of the Supreme Mining Council of the Russian Federation, Member of the Eurasian Academy of Mining Sciences, Member of the Working Group of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (on analyzing the state of environmental safety in the coal industry) industry).
Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation.
Chairman of the expert council on economic sciences of the dissertation council of NUST MISIS.
Moscow Mining Institute. Mining engineer-economist. Environmental economics.
Additional education
School of Rectors-19 (Skolkovo School of Management).
H-index according to Scopus — 9.
The number of articles on Scopus is 21.
Dissertation (Doctor of Economics) “Methodological foundations of the ecological and economic justification for the conservation of natural ecosystems in mining regions”
Dissertation (Ph.D.) “Ecological and economic assessment of the closure of coal mines.”
RSCI AuthorID: 110617.
Scopus AuthorID: 57193269496.
SPIN code:
Author and director of the educational program “Management of Environmental Innovations”.
Author and director of the educational program “Engineering Solutions for the Circular Economy”.
Supervisor of 8 candidate dissertations and consultant of 1 doctoral dissertation.