International students

International students

Labor activity of international students is governed by Article 13 “Labor Activity of International Students in the Russian Federation” of Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated July 25, 2002 on Legal Standing of Foreigners in the Russian Federation.

1. An entity may employ a foreigner to a vacant job on the condition that:

  • such foreigner has a work permit; and
  • such foreigner is aged 18 and above.

2. The said procedure shall not apply to foreigners:

  • being educated at the University in the Russian Federation;
  • working, in their study-free time, for business companies or business partnerships set up by budgetary or autonomous educational institutions of higher education in which they are educated; and
  • being educated in the intramural form of study at the University in the Russian Federation under the primary professional educational program having a state accreditation, and working in their study-free time.

If a foreign employee is being educated at the University and has a student visa, he/she may be engaged in labor activities in the study-free time, or during vacations. Such student is not required to obtain a work permit.

Likewise, citizens of the following countries are not required to apply for a work permit: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

3. Employment of international students with NUST MISIS

International students are employed with NUST MISIS on general terms and without limitations, pursuant to labor laws of the Russian federation, in the same way as Russian nationals, if an employee meets the above-mentioned migration requirements.

Available jobs are posted on the NUST MISIS website.

4. On employment, a international student shall provide the following documents to the employer:

  • passport or any other ID document;
  • certificate of statutory pension insurance;
  • voluntary medical insurance contract (policy) in effect across the Russian Federation;
  • opinion on passing a preliminary medical check (when hiring students under 18 and in other cases laid down by Russian laws);
  • document on completed education and/or qualification or on special expertise (when getting a job requiring special expertise or training); and
  • criminal record and/or prosecution certificate or certificate on termination of criminal prosecution on exonerative grounds issued in the established manner and form (when hiring a student to a position related to the activity to which the persons having or having had a criminal record, being or having been subject to prosecution are not admitted).

5. Practical training and internships for international students

Students take a practical training pursuant to the regulation on organizing and conducting a practical training of students on the implementation of practical trainings under NUST MISIS educational programs No. P 239.18-20.

Practical trainings and internships may be taken either in or beyond the Russian Federation.

1. If a international student takes a practical training in the Russian Federation, he/she may get familiar with the procedure for taking a practical training at

2. When taking a practical training abroad, a international student is required to:

  • enter into a contract with a foreign organization for taking a practical training and to obtain a guarantee letter;
  • have an application completed by the relevant department to second students for practical training to a foreign state; and
  • contact the NUST MISIS Department of International Academic Mobility for an order to take a practical training.

The required documents for practical training and internships are posted at the official website of NUST MISIS.