NUST MISIS Development is Among “Russia`s 100 Best Developments in 2016”

The NUST MISIS development “Treatment method of low copper-alloys” (authors: Y.Z. Estrin, S.V. Dobatkina, D.V. Shangina, N.R. Bochvar, G.I. Raab) has been recognized as one of the winners of “Russia`s 100 Best Developments in 2016” and been awarded an honorary diploma from Rospatent.

In 2016, in Russia alone, 33,536 patents for scientific developments were issued, and now the most promising ones among them have been selected for “Russia`s 100 Best Developments in 2016”. The list was chosen by the Rospatent Committee, whose head is Grigory Ivliev, the Director General.