NUST MISIS Improves Its Positions in the U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings

NUST MISIS has improved its position in the U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings, taking 964th overall place among the 74 countries included. In terms of the “International Cooperation” indicator, NUST MISIS took 28th overall place among all the universities participating in the ranking.

The U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings mainly focuses on universities’ academic research and global reputation. The American ranking has been published for over 30 years, while the international ranking started in 2014.

U.S. News takes dozens of factors into account when composing the ranking, including a university’s research reputation, participation in conferences, number of publications in high-ranking journals, science citation index, and international cooperation, among other things.

NUST MISIS scored its best result in the International Cooperation indicator, taking 28th place in the world.

“It is not an easy task to rise in the rankings, so it is obvious that the University has achieved [a great level of] success in the past few years. I think that this is primarily due to their increase in publication activity in world-leading journals, their invitations to world-renowned scientists, and the creation of their collaborations with scientists in Moscow”, said Professor Wolfgang Bleck, member of the NUST MISIS International Scientific Advisory Council and professor at RWTH Aachen University.

Strengthening its “International cooperation” in the scientific field is one of NUST MISIS’s key goals. Today, the University frequently cooperates with world-leading research centers and participates in 4 MegaScience-level projects, including two in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

In addition, the University pays special attention to the development of its international academic environment: students from 69 countries study at NUST MISIS and the University has been successfully operating dual certification and exchange programs for many years. NUST MISIS partners with over 300 of the world`s leading universities.

In addition to NUST MISIS, 13 other Russian universities were included in the ranking—11 of which are also participants of Project 5-100.